Friday 22 July 2016

Introduction to MySQL

MySQL works in client-server model. You can use mysql client to communicate with mysql server. You can communicate to mysql client using SQL (Structured Query Language).

You can run mysql in both interactive mode (or) in batch mode like cron jobs. This tutorial is for beginners, after this you can able to explore by yourself.

Introduction to MySQL

      Introduction to MySQL
      Install and setup MySQL on MAC
      Setting up MySQL user account
      What is database connection?
      Create database
      print all the databases
      Create table in a database
      Specify the database you want to work
      Get table names of a particular database
      Insert data into table
      Get the data from table
      Drop database
      Drop table
      Exit from mysql prompt

Data types, constraints

      Data types
      character data type
      Text data types
      Character sets
      Numeric Data types
      Temporal Data types
      enum type

Working with tables

      Create tables from other tables
      Inserting data into one table using other table data
      Get all tables in a database
      Get specific fields from table


      Operators in SQL
      Logical Operators

Queries on tables

      Exploring SELECT statement
      Query clauses in SELECT statement
      WHERE clause
      Column aliases
      HAVING clause
      UPDATE Query
      DELETE Query
      ALTER command
      TRUNCATE: Truncate data from table
      LIKE operators and wildcards
      TOP and LIMIT clauses
      ORDER BY clause
      GROUP BY Clause
      DISTINCT keyword
      AS clause
      Auto increment a field
      Primary key
      Foreign key constraint
      Get all the constraints on a table
      Add new auto increment column to existing table
      Modify existing column as auto increment
      Get the results in xml format

Joins, views

      Table Aliases

Numeric functions

      ABS() function
      AVG function
      ROUND function
      DIV: Perform integer division
      MOD: Get the reminder
      CEIL & FLOOR: Get ceil and floor of anumber
      EXP: Get Exponent of a number
      LOG, LOG10: Get logarithm of a number
      POW(x, y): Return x to the power y
      GREATEST: Get greatest element from list of elements
      LEAST: Get leastelement from list of elements
      RADIANS: Convert degrees to radians
      SQRT: get Square root of a number
      TRUNCATE: Truncate decimal number
      RAND: Generate random number

Working with strings

      CONCAT: Concatenate strings
      UPPER and LOWER functions
      TRIM(): Remove leading and trailing spaces
      SUBSTR(): Get the substring
      Get left and right most characters
      LENGTH: Estimates the space that occupied in memory
      CHAR_LENGTH: Return number of characters in string
      REPEAT: Repeat string in given number of times
      REPLACE: Replace a string with other string
      REVERSE() : Reverse the string
      STRCMP: Compare two strings

Working with dates

      ADDDATE: Increment date
      SUBDATE: Subtract values from given date
      Get current system date
      Get current system time
      DAYNAME: get day name of the date
      NOW() : current system date and time.
      MAKEDATE(): Return date
      MONTHNAME: Get the month name of the date
      TIMEDIFF() : Get difference between two date times
      TIME_TO_SEC: Convert time to seconds
      unix_timestamp() : Return timestamp in seconds since '1970-01-01 00:00:00'

Aggregate functions

      COUNT() : Get count of records
      MAX: Get largest value of column
      MIN():Get least value of column
      SUM(): Sum all the values of numeric column
      AVG(): Get average of values in numeric column

Built-in functions

      database(): Get current database name
      user(): Get currently logged in user details
      version(): Get current server version


      Sub queries
      Derived tables
      Temporary table
      Find 2nd max salary
      Find nth highest salary
      Get all the options supported by MySQL
      ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
      Install and setup MySQL on MAC

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