Sunday 7 August 2016

Find nth highest salary

Suppose you want to get 5th highest salary from table. Simple solution looks like below.

a.   Sort the records in descending order of salary and limit the results to 5.
b.   In step a, you got 5 records, get the minimum out of them.
SELECT MIN(salary) FROM (SELECT salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 10) as result;

mysql> SELECT MIN(salary) FROM (SELECT salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 10) as result;
| MIN(salary) |
|    76543.67 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Suppose you want to get all the details of 5th highest salary employee, update query like below.

SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 10) as result ORDER BY salary LIMIT 1;

mysql> SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT 10) as result ORDER BY salary LIMIT 1;
| id | firstName | lastName | salary   |
|  6 | Jyotsna   | PS       | 76543.67 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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