Tuesday 26 July 2016

DISTINCT keyword

If you want to see repeated values only once in the result, then use DISTINCT keyword.

I am going to use following sample data.

CREATE TABLE employee(
  id int PRIMARY KEY,
  name VARCHAR(25),
  age int,
  salary DECIMAL(10, 4),
  mailId VARCHAR(25),
  city VARCHAR(10)

INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Hari", 28, 12345.67, "hari@hari.com", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Sandesh", 30, 119345.00, "sandesh@sandesh.com", "Trivendram");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "Hari", 33, 12345.67, "phalgun@hari.com", "Hyderabad");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Manju", 30, 87645.67, "manju@sandesh.com", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Rakesh", 26, 12345, "rakesh@hari.com", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Hari", 38, 87645.67, "sankalp@sankalp.com", "Chenai");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "Vadiraj", 28, 12345.67, "vadi@hari.com", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "Sandesh", 28, 87645.67, "prasob@sandesh.com", "Trivendram");
INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) VALUES (9, "Kesav", 123457.89);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (10, "Hari", 25, 198345.00, "hari@krishna.com", "Trivendram");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (11, "Sandesh", 23, 119345.67, "phalgun@p.com", "Hyderabad");

mysql> SELECT * FROM employee;
| id | name    | age  | salary      | mailId              | city       |
|  1 | Hari    |   28 |  12345.6700 | hari@hari.com       | Bangalore  |
|  2 | Sandesh |   30 | 119345.0000 | sandesh@sandesh.com | Trivendram |
|  3 | Hari    |   33 |  12345.6700 | phalgun@hari.com    | Hyderabad  |
|  4 | Manju   |   30 |  87645.6700 | manju@sandesh.com   | Bangalore  |
|  5 | Rakesh  |   26 |  12345.0000 | rakesh@hari.com     | Bangalore  |
|  6 | Hari    |   38 |  87645.6700 | sankalp@sankalp.com | Chenai     |
|  7 | Vadiraj |   28 |  12345.6700 | vadi@hari.com       | Bangalore  |
|  8 | Sandesh |   28 |  87645.6700 | prasob@sandesh.com  | Trivendram |
|  9 | Kesav   | NULL | 123457.8900 | NULL                | NULL       |
| 10 | Hari    |   25 | 198345.0000 | hari@krishna.com    | Trivendram |
| 11 | Sandesh |   23 | 119345.6700 | phalgun@p.com       | Hyderabad  |
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Get all names from employee table.

mysql> SELECT name FROM employee;
| name    |
| Hari    |
| Sandesh |
| Hari    |
| Manju   |
| Rakesh  |
| Hari    |
| Vadiraj |
| Sandesh |
| Kesav   |
| Hari    |
| Sandesh |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Get distinct names from employee table

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT name FROM employee;
| name    |
| Hari    |
| Sandesh |
| Manju   |
| Rakesh  |
| Vadiraj |
| Kesav   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Get all names and salaries from employee.

mysql> SELECT name, salary FROM employee;
| name    | salary      |
| Hari    |  12345.6700 |
| Sandesh | 119345.0000 |
| Hari    |  12345.6700 |
| Manju   |  87645.6700 |
| Rakesh  |  12345.0000 |
| Hari    |  87645.6700 |
| Vadiraj |  12345.6700 |
| Sandesh |  87645.6700 |
| Kesav   | 123457.8900 |
| Hari    | 198345.0000 |
| Sandesh | 119345.6700 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Get all distinct names and salaries from employee table

mysql> SELECT DISTINCT name, salary FROM employee;
| name    | salary      |
| Hari    |  12345.6700 |
| Sandesh | 119345.0000 |
| Manju   |  87645.6700 |
| Rakesh  |  12345.0000 |
| Hari    |  87645.6700 |
| Vadiraj |  12345.6700 |
| Sandesh |  87645.6700 |
| Kesav   | 123457.8900 |
| Hari    | 198345.0000 |
| Sandesh | 119345.6700 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As you see, one row with record ‘| Hari    |  12345.6700 |’ removed.

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