Friday 5 August 2016

MAX: Get largest value of column

MAX(column) returns the largest value of the selected column.

I am going to use following sample data.

mysql> SELECT * FROM employee;
| id | name    | age  | salary      | mailId              | city       |
|  1 | Hari    |   28 |  12345.6700 |       | Bangalore  |
|  2 | Sandesh |   31 |  98345.0000 | | Trivendram |
|  3 | Phalgum |   33 | 119345.6700 |    | Hyderabad  |
|  4 | Manju   |   36 |  87666.8700 |   | Bangalore  |
|  5 | Rakesh  |   26 |  38000.0000 |     | Bangalore  |
|  6 | Sankalp |   38 |  87645.6700 | | Chenai     |
|  7 | Vadiraj |   40 |  12345.6700 |       | Bangalore  |
|  8 | Prasob  |   37 |  12345.6700 |  | Trivendram |
|  9 | Kesav   | NULL | 123457.8900 | NULL                | NULL       |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Get maximum salary of the employee.

mysql> SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee;
| MAX(salary) |
| 123457.8900 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Get employee details who is getting maximum salary.

mysql> SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary = (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee);
| id | name  | age  | salary      | mailId | city |
|  9 | Kesav | NULL | 123457.8900 | NULL   | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Get employee maximum salary city wise

mysql> SELECT city, MAX(salary) FROM employee GROUP BY city;
| city       | MAX(salary) |
| NULL       | 123457.8900 |
| Bangalore  |  87666.8700 |
| Chenai     |  87645.6700 |
| Hyderabad  | 119345.6700 |
| Trivendram |  98345.0000 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can escape NULL values by adding IS NOT NULL clause.

mysql> SELECT city, MAX(salary) FROM employee WHERE city IS NOT NULL GROUP BY city; 
| city       | MAX(salary) |
| Bangalore  |  87666.8700 |
| Chenai     |  87645.6700 |
| Hyderabad  | 119345.6700 |
| Trivendram |  98345.0000 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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