Friday 8 January 2016

Julia Tutorial for beginners

Julia is a dynamic programming language (It is optionally typed language, Specifying the type is optional, user choice), used for scientific and numeric computing. Julia is available on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms. Much of the Julia is written in Julia itself. Just like python, Julia is easy to learn. Statically Vs Dynamically typed Programming languages explain the differences between static and dynamically typed programming languages

Why Julia?
a.   Julia is open source
b.   Available on all platforms like Mac, Linux and Windows
c.    You can call C, Python, Fortran libraries seamlessly.
d.   Dynamically typed language, support custom types.
e.   Supports Meta programming.
f.     Provides Unicode support
      Installing Julia on Mac OS
      Get julia command help
      Julia shell: Auto complete feature
      help : Access julia documentation
      apropos: Search documentation
      Julia IDE : Install Juno
      Execute code in a file
      Command line arguments
      Run system commands
      Installing new packages
      Get the type of the variable
      Specifying type of variable
      Check the type of variable
      Get max and min values of integer types
      mod Vs rem functions
      Represent Big integers
      Floating point numbers
      Positive and Negative zero
      Special floating point values
      eps(): Get distance between adjacent floating point numbers
      Get next and previous float values
      Rounding floating point numbers
      Rounding functions
      Division functions
      Remainder functions
      Get quotient and remainder at a time
      Get GCD of Numbers
      Get LCM of numbers
      Represent Big float values
      Arithmetic operators
      Bitwise operators
      Assignment operator
      Comparison operators
      Comparison operators Vs Special float values
      Chaining comparison operators
      Boolean operators
      Functions to check for special values
      Complex numbers
      Rational numbers
      length Vs endof functions
      $: Evaluate expression inside string literal
      Triple-Quoted String
      Regula Expressions
      Regular expression using match function
      replace: Replace given pattern
      if-elseif-else statement
      Ternary operator (?:)
      while loop
      for loop
      break statement
      continue statement
      Compound expressions
      Using operators as functions
      Anonymous functions
      Create anonymous functions using do block
      Return values from function
      varargs: variable number of arguments to function
      Passing default values to arguments
      keyword arguments to a function
      Restrict function arguments to specific type
      function inside a function
      Function as an argument to other function
      Return function from other function
      Get size of data type (or) variable
      Method overloading ambiguities
      Parametric methods
      Built in exceptions
      Throw an exception explicitly
      Define Generic error messages
      logging information, warning and error messages
      local Vs global scopes
      const: Declare constants
      Multi Dimensional arrays
      convert(): convert one type of data to other
      Convert string to integer
      Get parent type of data type
      Get sub types of given type
      User defined types (composite types)
      Type conversion for user defined types
      Check for objects equality
      Create sub types
      Abstract Vs concrete types
      Outer Vs Inner constructor methods
      Get all the field names of composite type
      Union type
      bitstype: declare new concrete type
      Parametric Types: generic programming
      Singleton types
      Define module using baremodule
      How does Julia finds a module
      using Vs import
      Standard modules
      Include, require, reload: Load code from files
      Documenting source code
      Include, require, reload: Load code from files
      Documenting source code
      Pkg.status(), Pkg.update() got following errors.
      Terminate Julia session
      Interrupt current command
      Clear screen
      Reset the session
      Run system commands
      julia_history file
      Get the version of Julia
      Evaluate expression in terminal (or) command prompt
      Julia shell: Get last computed value

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