Wednesday 27 July 2016

ABS() function

ABS() function returns the absolute value of a number.

mysql> SELECT ABS(0);
| ABS(0) |
|      0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT ABS(-199);
| ABS(-199) |
|       199 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT ABS(199);
| ABS(199) |
|      199 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Let me give an example. I am going to use following sample data.
  postId int PRIMARY KEY,
  postTitle VARCHAR(25),
  duration DECIMAL(6, 2)

CREATE TABLE post_info(
        postId int PRIMARY KEY,
        likes int,
        doslikes int,
        shares int

INSERT INTO blog VALUES(1, "Introduction To Java", 23.56);
INSERT INTO blog VALUES(2, "Hello World to Haskell", 8.54);
INSERT INTO blog VALUES(3, "SQL Queries", 104.43);
INSERT INTO blog VALUES(4, "Static Vs Dynamic", 65.43);
INSERT INTO blog VALUES(5, "IJSON", 65.09);

INSERT INTO post_info VALUES(1, 123, 32, 10);
INSERT INTO post_info VALUES(2, 654, 59, 8);
INSERT INTO post_info VALUES(3, 76, 132, 80);
INSERT INTO post_info VALUES(4, 987, 9, 100);
INSERT INTO post_info VALUES(5, 87, 65, 5);

mysql> SELECT * FROM blog;
| postId | postTitle              | duration |
|      1 | Introduction To Java   |    23.56 |
|      2 | Hello World to Haskell |     8.54 |
|      3 | SQL Queries            |   104.43 |
|      4 | Static Vs Dynamic      |    65.43 |
|      5 | IJSON                  |    65.09 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM post_info;
| postId | likes | doslikes | shares |
|      1 |   123 |       32 |     10 |
|      2 |   654 |       59 |      8 |
|      3 |    76 |      132 |     80 |
|      4 |   987 |        9 |    100 |
|      5 |    87 |       65 |      5 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Get absolute difference between every post, which exist in table blog.

SELECT blg.postTitle, ABS(post.likes-post.doslikes) AS "Difference between likes and dislikes"
FROM blog AS blg
JOIN post_info AS post
ON blg.postId = post.postId;

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