Friday 5 August 2016

COUNT() : Get count of records

COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria.

I am going to use following sample data.

CREATE TABLE employee(
  id int PRIMARY KEY,
  name VARCHAR(25),
  age int,
  salary DECIMAL(10, 4),
  mailId VARCHAR(25),
  city VARCHAR(10)

INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1, "Hari", 28, 12345.67, "", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2, "Sandesh", 31, 98345.00, "", "Trivendram");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (3, "Phalgum", 33, 119345.67, "", "Hyderabad");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (4, "Manju", 36, 87666.87, "", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (5, "Rakesh", 26, 38000, "", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (6, "Sankalp", 38, 87645.67, "", "Chenai");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (7, "Vadiraj", 40, 12345.67, "", "Bangalore");
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (8, "Prasob", 37, 12345.67, "", "Trivendram");
INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) VALUES (9, "Kesav", 123457.89);

mysql> SELECT * FROM employee;
| id | name    | age  | salary      | mailId              | city       |
|  1 | Hari    |   28 |  12345.6700 |       | Bangalore  |
|  2 | Sandesh |   31 |  98345.0000 | | Trivendram |
|  3 | Phalgum |   33 | 119345.6700 |    | Hyderabad  |
|  4 | Manju   |   36 |  87666.8700 |   | Bangalore  |
|  5 | Rakesh  |   26 |  38000.0000 |     | Bangalore  |
|  6 | Sankalp |   38 |  87645.6700 | | Chenai     |
|  7 | Vadiraj |   40 |  12345.6700 |       | Bangalore  |
|  8 | Prasob  |   37 |  12345.6700 |  | Trivendram |
|  9 | Kesav   | NULL | 123457.8900 | NULL                | NULL       |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Count number of employees in employee table.

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee;
| COUNT(*) |
|        9 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Count number of employees staying in Bangalore

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee WHERE city="Bangalore";
| COUNT(*) |
|        4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Display city and count of employees

mysql> SELECT city, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY city;
| city       | COUNT(*) |
| NULL       |        1 |
| Bangalore  |        4 |
| Chenai     |        1 |
| Hyderabad  |        1 |
| Trivendram |        2 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As you see it display the NULL values also, you can escape NULL values using following query.

mysql> SELECT city, COUNT(*) FROM employee WHERE CITY IS NOT NULL GROUP BY city; 
| city       | COUNT(*) |
| Bangalore  |        4 |
| Chenai     |        1 |
| Hyderabad  |        1 |
| Trivendram |        2 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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