Tuesday 20 October 2020

JavaFX using fxml


      Introduction to JavaFX
      Scene Graph
      Hello World application
      Hello World using FXML
      Working with Shape
            Shape fill property
            Shape: smooth: Apply rendering hints
            Shape: stroke: Draw outline around the shape
            strokeWidth: Set stroke width to a shape
            Shape: strokeType: Defines where to draw the stroke
            strokeLineCap: Specify end cap style
            strokeLineJoin:Defines line join style of a shape
      Working with Colors
      Working with fonts
      Get font names
      Get font families
      Set font posture (italic or regular)
      Working with Text widget
      css hello world
      Working with Line widget
      Working with Circle
      Working with Rectangle shape
      Working with Ellipse shape
      Polygon shape
      Arc shape
      QuadCurve Shape
      CubicCurve shape
      Path and PathElement : Draw arbitrary shapes
      Working with effects
            Shadow effect
            DropShadow Effect
            InnerShadow effect
            BoxBlur: Create Box Blur effect
            GaussianBlur Effect
            MotionBlur Effect
            Apply Blend effect
            Bloom Effect: Make the portion of image brighter
            Glow effect
            Lighting Effect
            ColorAdjust effect
            ColorInput Effect
            Reflection Effect
            SepiaTone effect
            DisplacementMap effect
            PerspectiveTransform effect
            Create chain of effects
      Working with Layout panes
            When to use Pane layout
            HBox Layout
            VBox layout
            Combine VBox and HBoxes
            GridPane layout
            StackPane layout
            BorderPane layout
            Anchor Pane layout
            TextFlow layout
      Writing event handlers
            Event handling using anonymous Inner class
            Event handling using Lambda expression
            Event Handling using method reference
      Label widget
      Button widget
            Button Modes
            add image to a button
            Button: Background color chooser program
      Radio button demo: Change background color of window
      ToggleButton demo: Change background color of window
      Node: Attach data to a control
      TextField widget
      ProgressBar Demo
      Support copy and paste functionality
      Hyperlink widget
      ToolBar control
      Menu and MenuItem
      Working with Tooltip
      TableView widget
      Working with dialogs
      Dialog with custom actions
      Example of StackPane
      How to define rounded rectangle?
      How to fade a text frame in and out?

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