Tuesday 13 July 2021

Neo4j tutorial

      Introduction to Neo4j
      Install and setup neo4j on Mac
      Neo4j: Clear all the frames in a browser
      Neo4j: Create nodes
      Neo4j : Return multiple nodes after creation
      Neo4j: Delete all the nodes
      Neo4j: Match a node by id
      Neo4j: Create a relationship
      Neo4j: Create self-relationships
      Neo4j: Add label, properties to a relationship
      Neo4j: Add relationship to existing nodes
      Neo4j: Exercise 1: Create likes relationship
      Neo4j: Exercise 2: Nodes with multiple labels
      Neo4j: Exercise 3: Create an organization
      Neo4j: Get all the nodes
      Neo4j: Limit number of nodes from query result
      Neo4j: Query by label and properties
      Neo4j: Get all the nodes which are labelled with Person and whose designation is Manager
      Neo4j: Match the nodes that has any relationship with other nodes
      Neo4j: Get the relationship between nodes
      Neo4j: Specify the relationship direction while querying
      Neo4j: Specify relationship type and properties while querying
      Neo4j: Combine relationship types using |
      Neo4j: Specify the properties to return
      Neo4j: Define the variables and reuse them
      Neo4j: Filter data by properties
      Neo4j: Where Clause
      Neo4j: Comparison Operators
       Neo4j: Logical or Boolean Operators
      Neo4j: IN operator
      Neo4j: NOT operator
      Neo4j: ORDER BY Clause
       Neo4j: Skip n items from the query result
      Neo4j: AS: Rename the properties
      Neo4j: DISTINCT: Remove Duplicates
      Neo4j: COUNT: Number of items matches to given criteria
      Neo4j: SUM function
      Neo4j: AVG function
      Neo4j: MIN and MAX functions
      Neo4j: SET: Add new property, label to a node
      Neo4j: Remove Properties, labels from a node
      Neo4j: Delete all nodes
      Neo4j: Delete a node
      Neo4j commands cheat sheet

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