Monday 9 August 2021

Neo4j: Exercise 3: Create an organization

Create an organization with following hierarchy.

a.   One CEO

b.   Two Vice Presidents report to CEO

c.    Two directors report to Vice Presidents

d.   Three managers report to Directors

e.   Four employees report to managers



Step 1: Open neo4j browser by hitting following url in browser.



Step 2: Create nodes and relationships by executing below query.

CREATE (p1:Person{name: "Rama Krishna", age: 32, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "CEO"}),
(p2:Person{name: "Murali", age: 32, city: "Hyderabad", male: true, designation: "Vice President"}),
(p3:Person{name: "Gopi", age: 34, city: "Chennai", male: true, designation: "Vice President"}),
(p4:Person{name: "Kiran", age: 28, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Director"}),
(p5:Person{name: "Siva", age: 45, city: "Hyderabad", male: true, designation: "Director"}),
(p6:Person{name: "Kiran", age: 36, city: "Hyderabad", male: true, designation: "Manager"}),
(p7:Person{name: "Ritweek", age: 23, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Manager"}),
(p8:Person{name: "Sudheer", age: 24, city: "Chennai", male: true, designation: "Manager"}),
(p9:Person{name: "Naveen", age: 37, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(p10:Person{name: "Sailaja", age: 31, city: "Hyderabad", female: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(p11:Person{name: "Harika", age: 36, city: "Bangalore", female: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(p12:Person{name: "Brahmam", age: 41, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Employee"})
MERGE (p2)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p1)
MERGE (p3)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p1)
MERGE (p4)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p2)
MERGE (p5)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p3)
MERGE (p6)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p4)
MERGE (p7)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p4)
MERGE (p8)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p5)
MERGE (p9)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p6)
MERGE (p10)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p6)
MERGE (p11)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p7)
MERGE (p12)-[:REPORT_TO]->(p8)
RETURN p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12

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