Friday 20 August 2021

Neo4j: Get the relationship between nodes

Below statement get nodes and their relationships

MATCH (n1)-[rel]-(n2) RETURN n1, rel, n2


Let’s see it with an example.


Step 1: Open neo4j browser by hitting following url in browser.



Step 2: Insert data by executing below query.

CREATE (p1:Person{name: "Rama Krishna", age: 32, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "CEO"}),
(p2:Person{name: "Murali", age: 32, city: "Hyderabad", male: true, designation: "Vice President"}),
(p3:Person{name: "Gopi", age: 34, city: "Chennai", male: true, designation: "Vice President"}),
(p4:Person{name: "Kiran", age: 28, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Director"}),
(p5:Person{name: "Siva", age: 45, city: "Hyderabad", male: true, designation: "Director"}),
(p6:Person{name: "Kiran", age: 36, city: "Hyderabad", male: true, designation: "Manager"}),
(p7:Person{name: "Ritweek", age: 23, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Manager"}),
(p8:Person{name: "Sudheer", age: 24, city: "Chennai", male: true, designation: "Manager"}),
(p9:Person{name: "Naveen", age: 37, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(p10:Person{name: "Sailaja", age: 31, city: "Hyderabad", female: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(p11:Person{name: "Harika", age: 36, city: "Bangalore", female: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(p12:Person{name: "Brahmam", age: 41, city: "Bangalore", male: true, designation: "Employee"}),
(office1:Location{name: "Pluto", city: "Bangalore"}),
(office2:Location{name: "Mars", city: "Chennai"})
MERGE (p2)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2014"}]->(p1)
MERGE (p3)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2016"}]->(p1)
MERGE (p4)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "1997"}]->(p2)
MERGE (p5)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "1987"}]->(p3)
MERGE (p6)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2001"}]->(p4)
MERGE (p7)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2009"}]->(p4)
MERGE (p8)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "1998"}]->(p5)
MERGE (p9)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2003"}]->(p6)
MERGE (p10)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2004"}]->(p6)
MERGE (p11)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2008"}]->(p7)
MERGE (p12)-[:REPORT_TO{from: "2019"}]->(p8)
RETURN p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, office1, office2

Step 3: Execute below query to get nodes and their relationship.

MATCH (n1)-[rel]-(n2) RETURN n1, rel, n2

Click on ‘Table’ icon available at left side of the page.


As you see above image, you can see nodes and the relationships information in table format.

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