Monday 20 June 2022

Atlas client tutorial

 Dependency used







      Hello world application
      Check whether server is ready or not
      Get the status of the service instance the client is pointing to
      Get the metrics of the service instance that client is pointing to
      Get all the type definitions
      Get all the type definition headers
      Check whether type with given guid exists or not
      check whether type with given name exists or not
      Create new type definition
      update Atlas type definition
      Delete a type by name
      Create an entity
      Create a type, where attribute type is a list
      Create a type, where attribute type is a set
      Create a type, where attribute type is a map
      Specify minimum and maximum elements in a collection type
      Set default value to an attribute
      Create multiple entities
      update an entity
      update one more entities
      Update entity by unique attribute
      patch or partial update of the entity
      Delete entity by id
      Delete entity by unique attribute
      Delete entities by guids
      purge or hard delete the entities
      Working with classifications
            Create new classification
            get the classification definition by name
            Get the classification by id
            Get the classification associated with an entity
            add classification to an entity by entity id
            add classification to an entity by unique attributes
            Add one or more classifications to an entity by guid
            update classifications of an entity by id
            Update classifications of an entity by unique attributes
            Delete classification of an entity by entity id
            Delete one or more classifications associated with an entity by entity id
            Delete classification of entity by unique attributes
      exploring discovery or search api
            perform dsl search
            Perform basic search
            facetedSearch: Get more control on performing basic search
            Get total count of results that matches to given query
            Faceted search on entity attributes
      Create glossary
            Create a glossary category
            Create glossary term
            Get All glossaries
            Get the glossary by guid
            Get Detailed Glossary including terms and categories
            Get glossary term by guid
            Get the terms in a glossary
            get term headers in a glossary
            Get glossary category by id
            Get all the categories in a glossary by glossary id
            Get glossary category headers in a glossary by glossary id
            Get terms in a category
            Get related terms of this term
            Update glossary by id
            Partial or patch update of glossary by id
            Update glossary term by id
            Partial or patch update of term by id
            Update glossary category by id
            Partial or patch update of glossary category
            Delete glossary by id
            Delete glossary term by id
            Delete glossary category by id
            Get entities assigned with a term
            Assign term to entities
            detach or remove term from an entity



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