Monday 6 January 2020

Cassandra Tutorial

      Introduction to Cassandra
      Cassandra Architecture
      Installing and setup Cassandra
      Get help of cqlsh commands
      Create a keyspace
      Keyspace data replication strategies
      Create keyspace if it is not already exist
      Drop or delete keyspace
      Drop keyspace if it exists
      Alter keyspace: Change keyspace replication strategy
      List all the keyspaces in Cassandra Cluster
      Create a table
      Identifiers and Keywords
      USE KEYSPACE: Use specific key space
      List all tables in a keyspace
      Get information of specific table
      IF NOT EXISTS: Create a table if it is not exist
      ALTER TABLE: Change table definition
      Add a comment to existing table
      DROP TABLE: Drop the table
      INSERT : Insert data into a table
      Insert JSON string as a row in a table
      Get Data from table as JSON
      Selecting the data
      Aliases in SELECT statements
      LIMIT: Limit number of records returned from a query
      Count number of rows in a table
      Update a record in table
      Export query result to a csv file
      Write query output to a file
      WRITETIME: Get write time of the column
      DELETE: Delete a row or column from table
      Delete all the rows from a table
      USING TTL: Set expiration time
      Check a column ttl in cassandra
      default_time_to_live: Setting default expiration time to the data at table creation time
      Get cluster details
      Load the cql commands from a file
      Get All the tables in a keyspace
      expand on: Show the contents of table’s row vertically
      Get the token value for given partition key
      Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance
      Basic Data Types in Cassandra
      Numeric Data Types
      String data types
      Time related data types
      How to get current timestamp in cql?
      uuid data type
      How to generate uuid?
      How to insert hard coded uuid value via cqlsh?
      Boolean data type
      Date data type
      blob data type
      Define a counter
      inet: Specify an IP Address
      Collection types (map, set, list)
      Working with lists
      Working with set
      Working with maps
      tuple types
      Clear cqlsh console
      How the data is written?
      Get the version of Cassandra installed in my system
      Secondary Index
      Drop Secondary Index
      Working with user defined types
      Alter user defined type
      Drop user defined type

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