Friday 16 August 2019

Spring Data JPA Tutorial

      Introduction to Spring Data JPA
      Spring Data JPA: Hello World Application
      Spring Data: Repository pattern
      Exploring CrudRepository
      Save an entity
      saveAll: Save all the entities
      findById: Get an entity by id
      existsById: Check entity exists with this id or not
      findAll: Get all the objects of given entity
      Update an entity
      findAllById: get all the entities for given ids
      count: Count all the entities
      deleteById: Delete element by id
      Delete given entity
      deleteAll: Delete multiple entities
      deleteAll: Delete all entities
      Query Methods
            suffix query method
            Prefix query method
            contains query method example
            Spring jpa: How to specify 'in' query?
            How to specify orderby clause on findAll repository method/a>
            Get top N records in given order using repository method
            Update an entity using repository method
            in query method example
            not in query method
            projection, return custom object from jpa query
            count entities using query method
            find top N records matches to given query
            Project specific columns using native query
            Case insensitive query demo
            delete query method
            query method to find by embedded id object property
            @Param Named parameters: bind method parameter to the query
      @Query: Perform JPA and native queries
      Exploring PagingAndSortingRepository
      Get all the entities in sorting order
      Get paginated results
      Paginated Query methods
      Query by Example
      Auditing specific annotations
      @CreatedDate, @LastModifiedDate annotations
      @CreatedBy and @LastModifiedBy
      Read only repository
      Project data to new model
      How to get EntityManager
      Add custom functionality to a spring data repository
      Spring Data JPA Specifications Example
      Extract specific fields from table
      Spring data: simple query builder using specification
      Simple Query builder with Specification, pagination and sorting
      Spring JPA: Specification to join tables
      Spring boot: Hikari connection pool example
      @MappedSuperclass : Inherit properties from a super class
      How to persist create and update timestamps with Hibernate
      @Where clause: work with soft deletes
      Optimistic Locking
      @Where clause: work with soft deletes
      Spring jpa: ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException
      Spring boot jpa: Update query
      Spring boot: jpa: DELETE Query
      Many To Many: Update entity, mapping class only
            Many To Many mapping example
            many to many: Join table has a auto incremented id
      One To One Mapping example
            One to One Mapping: Using Foreign Key
            One to One Mapping: Using join table
            One to One Mapping: Using common primary Key
      Setting default values for columns
      One to Many Mapping using a foreign key
            One to Many using join table
      How to update one-to-many mapping entities with soft delete?
      Fetch lazy associations
      Get Hibernate session object from EntityManager
      HQL: limit Query example
      How to query on @EmbeddedId using Specification
      Sort by an embeddedId field
      Composite key example
      Spring data jpa: projections, return custom object from jpa query
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