Saturday 9 January 2016

Get julia command help

Open terminal (or) command prompt, type ‘julia –h’ (or) ‘julia –help’ to get jelp about the usage of Julia command.

$ julia -h
julia [switches] -- [programfile] [args...]
 -v, --version             Display version information
 -h, --help                Print this message

 -J, --sysimage <file>     Start up with the given system image file
 --precompiled={yes|no}    Use precompiled code from system image if available
 -H, --home <dir>          Set location of julia executable
 --startup-file={yes|no}   Load ~/.juliarc.jl
 -f, --no-startup          Don't load ~/.juliarc (deprecated, use --startup-file=no)
 -F                        Load ~/.juliarc (deprecated, use --startup-file=yes)
 --handle-signals={yes|no} Enable or disable Julia's default signal handlers

 -e, --eval <expr>         Evaluate <expr>
 -E, --print <expr>        Evaluate and show <expr>
 -P, --post-boot <expr>    Evaluate <expr>, but don't disable interactive mode (deprecated, use -i -e instead)
 -L, --load <file>         Load <file> immediately on all processors

 -p, --procs {N|auto}      Integer value N launches N additional local worker processes
                           "auto" launches as many workers as the number of local cores
 --machinefile <file>      Run processes on hosts listed in <file>

 -i                        Interactive mode; REPL runs and isinteractive() is true
 -q, --quiet               Quiet startup (no banner)
 --color={yes|no}          Enable or disable color text
 --history-file={yes|no}   Load or save history
 --no-history-file         Don't load history file (deprecated, use --history-file=no)

 --compile={yes|no|all}    Enable or disable compiler, or request exhaustive compilation
 -C, --cpu-target <target> Limit usage of cpu features up to <target>
 -O, --optimize            Run time-intensive code optimizations
 --inline={yes|no}         Control whether inlining is permitted (overrides functions declared as @inline)
 --check-bounds={yes|no}   Emit bounds checks always or never (ignoring declarations)
 --math-mode={ieee,fast}   Disallow or enable unsafe floating point optimizations (overrides @fastmath declaration)

 --depwarn={yes|no|error}  Enable or disable syntax and method deprecation warnings ("error" turns warnings into errors)

 --output-o name           Generate an object file (including system image data)
 --output-ji name          Generate a system image data file (.ji)
 --output-bc name          Generate LLVM bitcode (.bc)

 --output-incremental=no   Generate an incremental output file (rather than complete)

 --code-coverage={none|user|all}, --code-coverage
                           Count executions of source lines (omitting setting is equivalent to "user")
 --track-allocation={none|user|all}, --track-allocation
                           Count bytes allocated by each source line

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