Friday 9 October 2015

Java Network Programming tutorial

      Java Network Programming
      InetAddress : Represent IP address
      Get hostname from the IP address
      Gets all address associated with hostname
      InetAddress object for local host
      Java Get Raw IP address
      Find IP address is IPV6 or IPV4
      Java Reachability Of Nodes
      NetworkInterface : network interface card
      URI and URL
      URL: Represents a Uniform Resource Locator
      Reading data from URL
      Parse URL
      URI class
      URLEncoder : form encoding
      URLDecoder: decode strings
      Reading data from a server
      read the headers
      Get all header fields and values
      Get specific header field
      getHeaderFieldKey : Get the nth header field
      Writing Data to server
      work with HTTP urls
      Java Socket Programming Tutorial
      C#: Socket Programming
      Two way communication in C# client and socket
      Client in C# and Server in Java
      Working with HttpURLConnection class
            Read URL Contents using HttpURLConnection
            Get headers from url using HttpURLConnection
            Adding headers using HttpURLConnection
            Post data to url using HttpURLConnection
            Basic authentication using HttpURLConnection
            disable ssl certificate validation on HttpsURLConnection
            How to read the content of a webpage or url?
      URI vs URL
      Java: How to get the domain name from url?
      Java: Be cautious while using URL equals method
      Get the name of system or host
      Get system ip address as string
      How to check whether a string is valid IPv4 address or not?
      Utility class to get diagnostic information of the current state of proxy

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