Thursday 21 September 2023

Pandas: Dataframes: Hello World application

I am using the dataset from, to demonstrate the hello world application.


Project hierarchy looks like below.

| |____ipl_matches.csv
| |


As you see above snippet, there are two folders

a.   data : to hold the sample data sets

b.   src : to hold the panda programs.


Follow step-by-step procedure helps to understand the hello world program in Pandas.


Step 1: Create a file in the project src/csv directory.


Step 2: Import the pandas Library.

import pandas as pd


Step 3: Specify the file path to the CSV file relative to the project directory.

file_path = '../../data/csv/ipl_matches.csv'


Step 4: Set the maximum number of columns to display as unlimited.

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)


Step 5: Read the CSV file into a DataFrame.

df = pd.read_csv(file_path)


Step 6: Print the dataframe data to console. For example, below snippet print first 5 rows and 4 columns of the dataframe.


print(df.iloc[:5, :4] )


Find the below working application.

# Import the pandas Library.
import pandas as pd

# Specify the file path to the CSV file relative to the project directory.
file_path = '../../data/csv/ipl_matches.csv'

# Set the maximum number of columns to display as unlimited
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

# Read the CSV file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)

print(df.iloc[:5, :4] )



       id        city        date player_of_match
0  335982   Bangalore  2008-04-18     BB McCullum
1  335983  Chandigarh  2008-04-19      MEK Hussey
2  335984       Delhi  2008-04-19     MF Maharoof
3  335985      Mumbai  2008-04-20      MV Boucher
4  335986     Kolkata  2008-04-20       DJ Hussey


Total project structure looks like below.






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