Monday 31 October 2022

Hibernate 6 tutorial

      Introduction to Hibernate
      Hibernate 6: H2 Hello world application
      Hibernate 6: postgresql hello world application
      Hibernate 6: Embedded and Embeddable example
      org.hibernate.InstantiationException: Unable to locate constructor for embeddable
      Hibernate: Override the column properties of embedded type
      Hibernate6: quick guide to value types
      Hibernate 6: @Column: Specify details about this column
       Hibernate: @Formula: model computed value as a virtual read-only column
      Hibernate: Handle enum values
            Hibernate: handle enum values using @Enumerated annotation
            Hibernate 6: handle enum with @Enumerated String attribute
            Hibernate 6: Handle enum Using AttributeConverter
      Hibernate 6: Boolean values handling
      How hibernate map integer types?
      Hibernate 6: BigInteger mapping
      Hibernate 6: Double and Float values mapping
      Hibernate 6: BigDecimal mapping
      Hibernate 6: How to handle string data
      Hibernate 6: How to print all the data in a table?
      Hibernate 6: map a String to NVARCHAR
      Hibernate 6: Map a string to NCLOB
      Hibernate 6: work with character arrays
      Hibernate 6: work with byte arrays
      Hibernate 6: map a byte array to BLOB
      Hibernate 6: Example of BLOB, CLOB and NCLOB types
      Hibernate 6: map class references to VARCHAR type
      Hibernate 6: Map currency reference to VARCHAR
      Hibernate 6 : Map locale references to VARCHAR
      Hibernate 6: UUID mapping
      Hibernate 6: How to generate UUIDs as primary keys?
      Hibernate 6: InetAddress mapping
      Hibernate 6: Map a property to JSON (jsonb)
      Hibernate 6: Map a property to XML
      Hibernate 6: working with entity identifiers
      Hibernate 6: auto generate identifiers
      Hibernate 6: Generate identifiers using SEQUENCE strategy
      Hibernate 6: Generate identifiers using TABLE strategy
      Hibernate 6: Composite identifiers
            Hibernate 6: model Composite identifiers using @EmbeddedId
            Hibernate 6: Embedded id can contain ManyToOne attributes
            Hibernate 6: Composite identifiers with @IdClass
            Hibernate 6: Composite identifiers with associations
      Hibernate 6: @ManyToOne: Many to one mapping example
      Hibernate 6: @OneToMany: One to Many association
      Hibernate 6: Unidirectional One to Many association example
      Hibernate 6: Bidirectional One to Many association
      Hibernate 6: @OneToOne: one to one association
      Hibernate 6: Unidirectional one to one association
      Hibernate 6: bidirectional one to one mapping
      Hibernate 6: @ManyToMany: many to many association
      Hibernate6: uni directional many to many assoiciation
      Hibernate 6: bidirectional many to many association
      Hibernate 6: customize join table, join column names
       Hibernate 6: How to map collections?
      Hibernate 6: map lists using ElementCollection
      Hibernate 6: Customize list index start position while mapping lists
      Hibernate 6: Map a set using @ElementCollection
      Hibernate 6: Working with bags
      Hibernate 6: Get hibernate dialect
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