Wednesday 20 April 2022

Apache Sqoop tutorial


      Introduction to Apache Sqoop
      Setup Sqoop and hdfs
      Sqoop: Print all the available commands
      print sqoop version installed in my system
      Get the help about a command
      print all the databases in a RDBMS server
      Read the password from console while executing sqoop command
      Print all the tables in a database using sqoop
      Sqoop eval: Execute a query on a database
      Sqoop import: transfer the data from RBDMS to HDFS
      Sqoop: --verbose: Get more detailed log messages
      How sqoop distribute the data among mappers?
      Sqoop: When to customize the boundary query?
      Sqoop: Import: filter records with WHERE clause
      Sqoop: Customize field or column separator while importing
      Sqoop: customize line separator while importing the data
      Sqoop : import only selected columns of a table
      Sqoop: Import the data in compressed format to HDFS
      Sqoop: Specify compression format explicitly while importing
      Sqoop: import a table without primary key to HDFS
      Sqoop: difference between --target-dir and --warehouse-dir
      Sqoop: Import all the tables from a database
      Is sqoop-import-all-tables command work with --target-dir option?
      Sqoop: Specify number of mappers while executing sqoop command
      Sqoop: quick guide to --auto-reset-to-one-mapper
      How to redirect sqoop command output to a file?
      Sqoop: --delete-target-dir: Overwrite HDFS target directory
      Sqoop: append data to existing data set
      Sqoop: create hive table from SQL table
      Sqoop: Handle null values while importing the data
      Sqoop: File formats
      Sqoop export: Export data from HDFS to a database table
      How to debug the errors while exporting the data using sqoop?
      Sqoop: staging table
      Sqoop: Incremental import
      Sqoop: incremental import using append mode
      Sqoop: incremental import using lastmodified mode
      Quick guide to sqoop jobs
      How to supply a password securely to a sqoop job?
      Print all the sqoop jobs
      How to view the saved state of a sqoop job?
      Sqoop: Delete a job
      Sqoop: codegen: Generate java class from a database table

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