Wednesday 14 July 2021

ArangoDB: Drop a collection

There are two approaches to drop a collection.

a.   Using database _drop() method

b.   Using collection drop method


Using database _drop() method

‘db._drop()’ method is used to drop a collection including the data and it’s indexes.





db._drop(collection-name, options)


To drop a system collection, you must pass an options object with attribute isSystem set to true.


Let’s experiment with an example.


Step 1: Login to arango shell.

Please specify a password: 

  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  ___| |__  
 / _` | '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ 
| (_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_) \__ \ | | |
 \__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___/|___/_| |_|

arangosh (ArangoDB 3.7.11 [darwin] 64bit, using build , VPack 0.1.33, RocksDB 6.8.0, ICU 64.2, V8 7.9.317, OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021)
Copyright (c) ArangoDB GmbH

Command-line history will be persisted when the shell is exited. You can use `--console.history false` to turn this off
Connected to ArangoDB 'http+tcp://, version: 3.7.11 [SINGLE, server], database: '_system', username: 'root'

Type 'tutorial' for a tutorial or 'help' to see common examples>

Step 2: Create a database ‘demo’.> db._createDatabase("demo")
true> db._databases()

Step 3: Create collections user and _mySystemCollection.


db._create("_mySystemCollection", {isSystem : true})> db._useDatabase("demo")
true> db._create("user")
[ArangoCollection 10119, "user" (type document, status loaded)]> db._create("_mySystemCollection", {isSystem : true})
[ArangoCollection 10124, "_mySystemCollection" (type document, status loaded)]> db._collections()
  [ArangoCollection 10043, "_analyzers" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10058, "_appbundles" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10055, "_apps" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10046, "_aqlfunctions" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10067, "_fishbowl" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10061, "_frontend" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10040, "_graphs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10052, "_jobs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10064, "_modules" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10124, "_mySystemCollection" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10049, "_queues" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10119, "user" (type document, status loaded)] 

Step 4: Drop the user collection.> db._drop("user")> db._collections()
  [ArangoCollection 10043, "_analyzers" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10058, "_appbundles" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10055, "_apps" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10046, "_aqlfunctions" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10067, "_fishbowl" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10061, "_frontend" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10040, "_graphs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10052, "_jobs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10064, "_modules" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10124, "_mySystemCollection" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10049, "_queues" (type document, status loaded)] 

Step 5: Drop the collection "_mySystemCollection". To drop a system collection, you should pass attribute ‘isSystem’ to true in options argument.


Let’s try to drop a collection excluding isSystem attribute.> db._drop("_mySystemCollection")
JavaScript exception in file '/usr/local/Cellar/arangodb/3.7.11_1/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arangosh.js' at 99,7: ArangoError 11: forbidden
!      throw error;
!      ^
stacktrace: ArangoError: forbidden
    at Object.exports.checkRequestResult (/usr/local/Cellar/arangodb/3.7.11_1/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arangosh.js:97:21)
    at ArangoCollection.drop (/usr/local/Cellar/arangodb/3.7.11_1/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arango-collection.js:505:14)
    at Proxy.ArangoDatabase._drop (/usr/local/Cellar/arangodb/3.7.11_1/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arango-database.js:461:29)
    at <shell command>:1:4

As you see above output, you got forbidden error while deleting the system collection. Let’s pass isSystem attribute and delete the collection.> db._drop("_mySystemCollection", {isSystem : true})> db._collections()
  [ArangoCollection 10043, "_analyzers" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10058, "_appbundles" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10055, "_apps" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10046, "_aqlfunctions" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10067, "_fishbowl" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10061, "_frontend" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10040, "_graphs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10052, "_jobs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10064, "_modules" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10049, "_queues" (type document, status loaded)] 

Using collection drop method

‘collection.drop()’ method is used to drop a collection, data and all its indexes.







col.drop({ isSystem: true });


To drop a system collection, you must set the attribute ‘isSystem’ to true in options argument.


Let’s experiment with an example.


Step 1: Create two collections ‘person’ and ‘_mySystemCollection2’.> db._create("person")
[ArangoCollection 10451, "person" (type document, status loaded)]> db._create("_mySystemCollection2", {isSystem: true})
[ArangoCollection 10516, "_mySystemCollection2" (type document, status loaded)]> db._collections()
  [ArangoCollection 10043, "_analyzers" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10058, "_appbundles" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10055, "_apps" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10046, "_aqlfunctions" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10067, "_fishbowl" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10061, "_frontend" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10040, "_graphs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10052, "_jobs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10064, "_modules" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10516, "_mySystemCollection2" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10049, "_queues" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10451, "person" (type document, status loaded)] 

Step 2: Drop the collection person.> var userColleciton = db._collection("person")> userColleciton.drop()> db._collections()
  [ArangoCollection 10043, "_analyzers" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10058, "_appbundles" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10055, "_apps" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10046, "_aqlfunctions" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10067, "_fishbowl" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10061, "_frontend" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10040, "_graphs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10052, "_jobs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10064, "_modules" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10516, "_mySystemCollection2" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10049, "_queues" (type document, status loaded)] 

Step 3: Drop the system collection _mySystemCollection2.> var sysColleciton = db._collection("_mySystemCollection2")> sysColleciton.drop({isSystem: true})> db._collections()
  [ArangoCollection 10043, "_analyzers" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10058, "_appbundles" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10055, "_apps" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10046, "_aqlfunctions" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10067, "_fishbowl" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10061, "_frontend" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10040, "_graphs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10052, "_jobs" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10064, "_modules" (type document, status loaded)], 
  [ArangoCollection 10049, "_queues" (type document, status loaded)] 



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