Wednesday 13 June 2018

How to add package level documentation?

In my previous post, I explained about the java documentation comments, different javadoc tags that are used to document the java code. Just like how we document the classes, methods, interfaces, enums etc., we can provide documentation to a package also.

How to provide documentation to a java package?
There are two ways to add documentation at package level.

a.   Create a file '' and add the documentation in that file
b.   Create package.html file and add package comments and Javadoc tags (no package annotations.)

A package can have single package.html file or a single file but not both. Place either file in the package directory in the source tree along with your .java files.
 * This is the base package for all the model classes.
 * @author krishna
 * @since 1
 * @version 1
package com.sample.model;



 <h2>This is the base package for all the model classes.</h2>

 @author krishna
 @since 1.0 
 @version 1 

Demo application.
Create new java project ‘javadocDemo’ in eclipse.

Create a package ‘com.sample.model’. and define some class

Create a file

Project structure looks like below.

Go to Project -> Generate Javadoc

Select the project ‘javadocDemo’ and set the visibility to ‘package’ and click on Finish button.

Documentation is generated and placed in doc folder.
Open index.html, you can able to see below information.

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