- Find last digit of a number
- Drop last digit from a number
- Reverse digits of a number
- Reverse digits and store them in list
- Double every other element of a list
- Calculate sum of digits of a number
- Find middle number
- Find maximum of three numbers
- Find maximum of four numbers
- Return True, if the list is empty (or) firstElement of the list is empty, else False
- Return True if the list has only one element, else False
- get first element of the list
- Write a function to concatenate elements of list of lists
- Check whether three numbers are in ascending order (or) not
- Concatenate two lists
- Find exact matches between two lists
- Find k least values in unsorted list
- How many are equal in three numbers
- Count number of lines in a file
- Count Number of words in a file
- Count number of characters in a file
- Remove first n elements of list
- How many are equal in four numbers
- Calculate sum of all elements in a list
- Return true if the first element of list 5
- Extract the value from Maybe data type
- Product of numbers from m to n
- Write a function that computes number of elements in list
- Write a function that computes the mean of a list
- Turn the String or list into a palindrome
- Implement a function that gives powers of 2
- Check whether given string (or) list is a palindrome or not
- Sort list of lists based on the length of sub lists
- Join list of lists using a separator
- Compute sum of factorials
- Compute the height of binary tree
- lines: split text on line boundaries
- break: Divide list based on a condition
- Implement multiplication of numbers
- Split lines whenever you see a digit
- Remove all spaces from a string
- Check whether an element is in the list or not
- implement quick sort using list comprehensions
- Check whether a list is prefix of other list
- Take second elements in list of tuples
- Find integer square root of a number
- Check whether a String is prefix of other String
- Check whether a list is suffix of other list
- Define length function using map and sum
- Check whether a String is suffix of other String
- Drop prefix from given String (or) list
- Tokenize a string based on a character
- Get index of element in the list
- get all the indexes of given element in the list
- Return an element from list that satisfies given predicate
- Return all the elements from list that satisfies given predicate
- Get index of element that satisfies given predicate
- Get all indexes of elements in list that satisfies given predicate
- Return two numbers in ascending order
- Get all the tails of a list
- Check whether a list is infix of other list
- Implement unzip function
- Remove duplicate elements from list
- Delete the first occurrence of element from list
- Implement deleteBy function
- Implement list difference
- Get all occurrences of a number in list
- Get all permutations starting with given letter
- Implement list union
- Square every element of a loop
- Get ASCII value of a character
- Implement course registration system using list comprehensions
- Convert String to Integer
- Convert every character of string to uppercase
- Implement map function
- Get all odd numbers from list of integers
- Get all even numbers from list of integers
- Implement filter function
- implement intersection of two lists
- Get the first element of a list (or) string
- get last element of a list (or) string
- Get tail of the list (or) string
- Return all the elements of a list except the last one
- Get all divisors of a number
- Decompose a list into (head, tail)
- Check whether list is empty (or) not
- Reverse list
- Find maximum in list of numbers
- Find minimum in list of numbers
- Convert every character in string to uppercase and remove any digits in it
- get maximum and minimum in list of numbers
- Implement intersperse function
- Return numbers from x to y
- Check whether two strings are equal or not
- Calculate simple interest
- Convert every character in string to uppercase
- Quick sort program
- Divide list to two sub lists
- Take a list and print their position
- Get the cross product of two lists
- Generate multiplication table of a number
- Get all the names from list, that start with character āSā
- Double all odd numbers in a list
- Get all even numbers which are greater than 6
- Get all the first elements of list of tuples
- Get all the second elements of list of tuples
- Convert list of words to a sentence
- Convert list of words to a sentence in upper case
- Repeat every character in a string 5 times
- Convert character to string
- Check whether all the elements in the list are odd or not
- Calculate sum of numbers in a string
- Design Employee utility for an organization
- Fibonacci series
- Check whether list is sorted or not.
- Get all digits in given string
- Check whether all the elements in a list are even (or) not.
- Implement Ackermann function
- Process list of tuples
- Check list of tuples has same elements or not.
- Square every element of list and then reverse
- Square every element of list and then sort
- Sort elements of list of string by their length.
- Group list of names using their length
- Group list of tuples by using first element
- Group list of tuples by using second element
- Group list of tuples by using first element, sort the second list of grouped elements
- Map employee ids to names
- Convert list of a to list of IO a
- Convert list to set
- Convert set to list
- Implement Exclusive or operation
- Get the maximum in three numbers
- Get the unicode distance between two characters
- Design deck of cards
- Get the unicode distance between two characters
This blog is primarily focus on Java fundamentals and the libraries built on top of Java programming language. Most of the post are example oriented, hope you have fun in reading my blog....:)
Friday, 3 June 2016
Haskell Programming Exercises
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