Saturday 21 February 2015


      Benefits of MongoDB over RDBMS
      Setting up MongoDB
      Setup MongoDB on MAC
      Mongo Shell
      Run MongoDB server on specific port
      Mongo shell: Connect to MongoDB server running on specific port
      Mongo shell: Clear the screen
      MongoDB: Databases, collections, documents
      CRUD operations
      Mongo shell: Show all the databases
            Create database
            Drop database
            db.stats() : Get statistics about the database
      Create collection
            What is capped collection?
      Drop collection
      Working with command line options
            Get help about mongod
            Get version
            --dbpath: Set the directory for data files
            --logpath: send log information to a file
            --fork: run mongodb in background
            Load mongodb settings from a configuration file
      Mongo shell: insertOne() : Insert one document
            Mongo shell: insert(): Insert one or more documents
            insertMany: Insert multiple documents to the collection
            Can I insert null values?
            Ordered and unordered inserts
            Working with write concern
            mongoimport: Import documents from a file
      set the field with current timestamp in MongoDB
      Query documents
            findOne : To get one document
            Mongo shell: fetch all the documents from collection
            Querying using field selection
            Mongo shell: Pretty print the output
            Conditional operators
            $exists : Gets the documents that contain given field
            $type : Gets the documents where field is of specific type
            Logical operators
            $or operator
                  $and operator
            Querying inside Arrays
                  $all : Match Array
                  $elemMatch : Query Array
                  $size : Query array based on size
            Queries with dot notation
                  why pretty method fails on findOne method
                  Mongo shell: it: Get all the results from cursor
                  Mongo shell: forEach method to iterate over a cursor
            count() : Count number of documents that match query
            Convert find query results to an array
            Access the properties of a document directly
      Update document
            $set : To update specific field
            updateOne: Update one document
            updateMany: Update multiple documents
            updateMany: Update all the documents
            update vs updateMany
            Insert an array of entities
      $unset : Removes field
      $push : Appends value to array
      $pop : Removes first/last element of the array
      $pull : Removes value or values that match query from array
      $pullAll : Remove specified values from existing array
      $addToSet : add value to array if value not exist
      Update multiple documents
      Delete document
            deleteOne: Delete one document
            deleteMany: Delete multiple documents
            deleteMany: Delete all the documents form a collection
      replaceOne: Replace one document
      drop : drop collection including indexes
      Limit number of documents in the result
      skip number of documents in result
      Sort documents
       Designing one-to-one mapping in mongoDB
            Designing one-to-many mapping in mongoDB
            Many-to-many mapping
            lookup: Merge related documents
      Indexing documents
            Creating Indexes
            Discovering Indexes
            Compound Indexes
            Multi key indexes
            Unique indexes
            dropDups : Drop duplicates from the collections
            Sparse Indexes
            Building indexes in background
            Get information about query plan
            Get size of all indexes for the collection
            Get statistics about the collection
            Hinting an index
            Geospatial Indexes
            Aggregation pipeline
            $min operator (aggregation)
            $max operator (aggregation)
            Double Grouping
            $project (aggregation)
            $match (aggregation)
            $sort (aggregation)
            $skip (aggregation)
            $limit (aggregation)
            $first (aggregation)
            $last: aggregation
            $unwind (aggregation)
            SQL to mongoDB Aggregation mapping
            Replica set
            Creating a replica set
      Validate documents while inserting (or) updating
            How to find the schema of a document in the collection?
            How to add schema to the existing collection?
            MongoDB: validationLevel and validationAction
      Compass: User interface to interact with MongoDB
      Transaction support

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