Wednesday 1 October 2014



      What is a JDBC driver?
      Types Of JDBC Drivers
      JDBC Architecture
            Two-tier model Of JDBC
            Three-tier model Of JDBC


      Database tables
      SQL Data types
      Operators in SQL
      Create table
      Insert data into table
      View data in table
      WHERE clause
      Update records in a table
      Delete records from table
      Remove table

working with JDBC

      Start working with JDBC
      First JDBC Application
      Core Classes/Interfaces in sql package
      How to load JDBC Driver
            Load jdbc driver using forName
            Load jdbc driver using DriverManager.registerDriver() method
            Load Driver by creating instance of Driver class
            Load Driver using
      How to Map SQL types to Java
      Database Metadata

Transaction Support

      Commit Operation
      How to commit a transaction in JDBC
      Rollback operation
      How to Perform rollback operation in JDBC
      Savepoint interface
            How to set savepoint
            Rollback to savepoint
      Debug problems in JDBC

Connection interface

      Connection interface
      various ways to create Connection object
            Get Connection object using DriverManager class
            get Connection object using Driver interface
            get Connection object using DataSource interface
            Get Connection object Using PooledConnection interface

Driver Details

      Get Driver details
      SQLWarning class
      Can JDBC connect to more than one database ?

ResultSet interface

      ResultSet interface
      ResultSet Types
            Get ResultSet type
            Check ResultSet type is supported by database or not
            Concurrency support of ResultSet
            Get ResultSet Concurrency
            ResultSet Holdability
            Check ResultSet Holdability
            Get ResultSet Holdability
            How to set result set type, concurrency and holdability
            Set ResultSet type using Connection object
            Set ResultSet concurrency using Connection object
            Set ResultSet Holdability using Connection object
      How to retrieve data from ResultSet
            Retrieve column values from ResultSet
            Get column data using index number of the column
            Get column data using name of the column
      Scrollable and Updatable ResultSets
            Move cursor in Scrollale ResultSet
            Update columns in ResultSet
            Update column value using index number of the column
            Update column value using the name of the column
            Insert a row into Database using Updatable ResultSet
            Delete a row from Database using Updatable ResultSet

Statement interface

      Statement interface
      Create Statement Object
      Executing SQL statements
      Retrieve automatically generated keys
      Fetch Size
      Execute Batch Of statements

PreparedStatement interface

      PreparedStatement interface
      Statement Vs PreparedStatement
      Pass input parameters to a PreparedStatement

Other topics

      SQL Injection attacks
      Jdbc : batch update using PreparedStatement
      Jdbc : data source example
      Tomcat DataSource JNDI Example in Java
      Drop Table
      Retrieve column names from ResultSet
      Get Generated id in jdbc
      Connect to PostgreSQL with JDBC driver

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