Saturday 1 June 2024

Javalin tutorial

Javalin is a lightweight web framework for Java and Kotlin, designed to be simple and developer-friendly. It is often likened to frameworks like Express.js in the JavaScript ecosystem because of its minimalist and straightforward approach. Here are some key features and characteristics of Javalin:


a.   Ease of Use: Javalin offers a very straightforward API, making it easy to set up and start developing web applications quickly.

b.   Java and Kotlin Support: Although it is a Java library, Javalin is designed with Kotlin in mind, providing first-class support for Kotlin features.

c.    Lightweight: Javalin is designed to be lightweight, avoiding unnecessary features and focusing on speed and efficiency.

d.   Flexible: Despite its simplicity, Javalin is versatile enough to support a wide range of web applications, from small REST APIs to full-scale web applications.

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