Tuesday 14 May 2024

Leaky bucket rate limiter

The leaky bucket rate limiter algorithm is a way to control how fast a system handles requests. Imagine a bucket with a hole in the bottom. Think of water flowing into the bucket from a tap at different speeds. Now, picture a small hole at the bottom of the bucket. No matter how fast or slow the water flows in, it always flows out at a constant rate through the hole at the bottom.


Now, let's say the bucket is already full of water. Any additional water that flows in will overflow, right? But if the water flowing in is slower than the water flowing out through the hole, there won't be any overflow.


Now, let's correlate the components of the leaky bucket algorithm with their counterparts in a system handling requests:


a. Incoming water as incoming requests:

In the context of the leaky bucket algorithm, incoming water represents incoming requests to the system. These requests can come in at varying rates, just like water flowing into the bucket at different speeds from a tap.


b. Outflow water as processed requests:

The outflow of water from the bucket's hole represents the processed requests leaving the system. Similar to how water flows out of the bucket at a constant rate, processed requests leave the system at a predetermined rate, which helps regulate the overall flow of requests.


c. Bucket as a queue:

In the context of the leaky bucket algorithm, the bucket acts as a queue where incoming requests are temporarily stored. This queue ensures that requests are processed in a controlled manner, similar to how water is stored in the bucket before it flows out through the hole.


Same is depicted in below image.

In summary, the leaky bucket algorithm controls the rate at which requests are processed using a queue (represented by the bucket). Queue is a temporary storage for incoming requests. Just like water flowing into and out of a bucket, incoming requests are processed at a steady rate, ensuring that the system doesn't get overwhelmed by sudden bursts of traffic.

                                                                                System Design Questions

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