Friday 17 May 2024

Http Client5 tutorial

Apache HttpClient 5 is a powerful library for sending HTTP requests and receiving HTTP responses in Java applications. It provides a comprehensive set of features for working with HTTP, including support for synchronous and asynchronous request execution, connection management, authentication, cookies, and much more. Let's delve into your questions:


What are the main features of Apache HttpClient 5?

1.   HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 support: HttpClient 5 supports both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 protocols.

2.   Synchronous and asynchronous request execution: You can execute HTTP requests synchronously or asynchronously.

3.   Connection management: HttpClient 5 manages connection pooling and reuses connections efficiently.

4.   Request and response interceptors: Interceptors allow you to modify requests and responses before they are sent or received.

5.   Authentication: Provides support for various authentication mechanisms like Basic, Digest, NTLM, and Kerberos.

6.   Cookie management: HttpClient 5 handles cookies automatically, including parsing, storing, and sending cookies in subsequent requests.

7.   Proxy support: You can configure HttpClient 5 to use proxies for outgoing HTTP requests.

8.   SSL/TLS support: Supports secure connections via SSL/TLS.

9.   Content compression: HttpClient 5 can automatically handle content compression (gzip, deflate) for both requests and responses.

Http Client 5: Hello World application
Setup a sample application to experiment with HttpClient
Http Client 5: Set the response time out for http client
Configure Socket, Response, and Connection Timeouts for HTTP Client
Exploring HttpClientBuilder class
Set Http client configurations via system properties
Add a request interceptor to Http Client
Add multiple request interceptors to the Http Client
Add response interceptors to the http client
Set retry strategy to Http Client
HttpClient 5: Connection Pooling example
Socket timeout vs response timeout
Http Client 5: Get the response code
Set custom header to the http request
Configure default http request headers at client level
Step-by-Step Guide to Making POST Requests with Apache HttpClient
How to Configure a Credential Provider in Apache HttpClient?
Making HTTP Requests with the Fluent API of Http Client
Apache http client utility class

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