Wednesday 7 February 2024

PlantUML: Add notes to an activity in activity diagram

Using below keywords, we can add notes to the activities in an activity diagram.


a.   note left of

b.   note right of

c.    note top of

d.   note bottom of



note left of state1 : short note on state1

note right of state1 
long note that can span
across multiple lines
end note



[*] --> state1
state1 --> state2
state2 --> state3
state3 --> state4
state4 --> state5
state5 --> [*]

note left of state1 : short note on state1

note right of state2
long note that can span
across multiple lines
end note

note top of state3 : short note on state3

note bottom of state4 : short note on state4


Above snippet generate below diagram.



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