Friday 8 December 2023

Leveraging Multiple Databases: The Benefits of Polyglot Persistence


Polyglot persistence means using various data storage technologies in one system. Instead of depending on just one database, this approach utilizes different database solutions according to their particular strengths and weaknesses.


For instance, I could use MySQL for transaction advantages, and simultaneously, use Elastic search to deliver efficient search capabilities for the data.



Performance: Various database technologies are good at different things, such as quickly reading data, writing it efficiently, or handling complex queries. Polyglot persistence uses these strengths to make the overall performance better.


Cost-effectiveness: When you use the right database for each kind of data, you can avoid extra costs and make things more affordable.


For instance,

a.   if you need to save big and changing documents with complicated structures, you might choose databases like MongoDB.

b.   If your situation involves applications that work like social networking sites with interconnected data, you could use graph databases such as Neo4J.

c.    If you're dealing with data that changes over time, like managing readings from sensors, then a time series database like Graphite or InfluxDB might be the right choice.

d.   If you need to deal with structured and relational data, and want to attain ACID properties, then you might opt for relational databases like MySQL or Postgres.



1.   Complexity: Handling and combining different types of databases needs extra work and knowledge.

2.   Data consistency: Making sure data stays consistent in various databases can be hard and needs careful planning and implementation.

3.   Development complexity: Developers have to know and use different ways of talking to each database.

4.   Operational overhead: Taking care of and watching over lots of databases can be more work.

5.   Cost: Taking care of many database systems might make the costs for equipment and running things go up. The licenses, machines, and people needed to handle different databases can cost more.

6.   Vendor Lock-In: Each database technology may have its own set of vendor-specific features and optimizations. Relying too much on one vendor make it hard to switch to something else later.

7.   Performance tuning: Making each database technology work its best and making sure the whole system works fast can be tricky.

8.   Transaction management: Achieving ACID transactions across multiple databases with varying consistency models can be difficult.

9.   Data governance: Implementing data governance policies and ensuring data quality across different databases can be complex.


Even though there are difficulties, using polyglot databases can bring substantial advantages for various applications. By thoughtfully addressing the challenges in Polyglot databases, organizations can make the most of polyglot databases to meet their data management objectives.


In general, polyglot persistence can be a strong method for improving the performance, scalability, and cost efficiency of your application. Nonetheless, it's important to thoroughly weigh the benefits and challenges before putting it into practice, ensuring it fits your specific needs and development setup.


How to choose a right database type?

Picking the right kind of database is really important to make your application work better and handle more requests. Following tips can help you choose the right one:


1. Data Model and Structure:

If your data is very organized with clear connections between things, you might want to go with an SQL database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. They are good for complicated data analysis and finding information using SQL queries.


When your data is semi-structured, unstructured, or has a dynamic schema. NoSQL databases provide flexibility in handling different data models.


2. Scalability:

Horizontal Scaling

If you think you'll have a lot of data and your data is going to keep getting bigger, go for a database that can grow horizontally. This means you can add more parts to your system, like nodes in a cluster. NoSQL databases like Cassandra and Couchbase are great when you expect things to get really big.


Vertical Scaling

If you're dealing with smaller amounts of data and things are pretty predictable, a database that scales vertically might be enough. With databases like MySQL, you can upgrade the resources inside your existing setup (like CPU and RAM) to handle more demands.


3. Consistency Requirements:

Strong Consistency

If your application really needs to make sure all the data is the same everywhere and you want strong guarantees about it, go for an SQL database with ACID transactions. These databases work hard to keep everything consistent.


Eventual Consistency

If it's okay for your data to take a bit of time to be the same everywhere (eventual consistency), and you care more about performance and handling a lot of work, then NoSQL databases might be a better choice. They focus on being fast and scalable, even if it takes a bit for all the data to catch up.


4. Performance Considerations:


If your application really needs to be quick and responsive, think about using a database that's made to be super-fast at reading and writing. In-memory caches like Redis or Memcached are good options for this.



If you're planning to have a lot of data moving through your system, go for a database that's set up to handle big amounts of data transactions. Databases like Apache Cassandra or DynamoDB are good choices for high data throughput.


5. Community and Support

Seek databases that have a big and lively community and plenty of support resources that you can easily access.


6. Considerations Based on Use Case

Choose a column store database like Cassandra when dealing with analytical processing and situations where queries involve combining information from big sets of data.


Choose a RDBMS, if you want to attain 100 percent transactional consistency.


Choose a search engine, to support full text searches etc.,


Keep in mind, the right database choice relies on what your particular application needs. Take a close look at the factors mentioned earlier, and carefully study the characteristics of your data and access patterns before making a decision.

                                                             System Design Questions

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