Wednesday 15 November 2023

PlantUML: add notes to the components, interfaces in a component diagram

Following keywords used to add notes to the components.

a.   note left of

b.   note right of

c.    note top of

d.   note bottom of


Examples to add notes to components

note left of [Order] : Order management system

note right of [Customer] 
	Customer management system
	holds customer details
end note

note bottom of [Product] : product management system


Examples to add notes to interfaces

note right of ProductCode: access via https
note right of CustomerDetails: access via https




interface ProductCode
interface CustomerDetails

[Order] -- CustomerDetails
CustomerDetails --> [Customer]

[Order] -- ProductCode
ProductCode --> [Product]

note left of [Order] : Order management system

note right of [Customer] 
	Customer management system
	holds customer details
end note

note bottom of [Product] : product management system

note right of ProductCode: access via https
note right of CustomerDetails: access via https


Above snippet generate below diagram.


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