‘skinparam’ command is used to customize the font and colors of components.
@startuml skinparam BackgroundColor transparent skinparam package { backgroundColor gold } skinparam node { borderColor Green backgroundColor Yellow } skinparam component { backgroundColor<<automated>> DarkKhaki backgroundColor<<tested>> Green backgroundColor PaleGreen } skinparam database{ BackgroundColor Aqua } skinparam cloud { BackgroundColor #00FF05 } skinparam folder { backgroundColor lightblue } skinparam frame { backgroundColor lightyellow } package "Package1"{ HTTPS --> [Component1] [Component2] } node "node1" { [Component3] <<automated>> as Component3 SFTP --> [Component3] [Component4] } cloud "cloud1"{ [Component5] <<tested>> as Component5 WEBServices --> [Component5] [Component6] } database "databaseServers" { [MySQL] [MongoDB] } folder "userInfoFolder"{ [AdminDetails] [UserDetails] [SupportUserDetails] } frame "frame1"{ [Component10] [Component11] } [Component1] --> [Component5] [Component6] --> [MySQL] [Component11] --> [MongoDB] [Component3] --> [Component10] @enduml
Above snippet generate below diagram.
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