Tuesday 21 February 2023

PlantUML: Specify incoming and outgoing messages in a sequence diagram

[-> A, [--> A : Specify incoming message to the participant A

A ->], A -->] : Specify outgoing message from the participant A




[-> A: Input received
activate A

A -> A: transform the data
A -> A: Apply business logic

A ->] : Send the response to external device
deactivate A

[--> A: Input received
activate A

A -> A: transform the data
A -> A: Apply business logic

A -->] : Send the response to external device
deactivate A


Above snippet generates below diagram.



Similarly, you can have following syntaxes too.





[o-> A: Input received
activate A

A -> A: transform the data
A -> A: Apply business logic

A o->o] : Send the response to external device
deactivate A

[x--> A: Input received
activate A

A -> A: transform the data
A -> A: Apply business logic

A x-->o] : Send the response to external device
deactivate A


Above snippet generates below diagram.





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