Monday, 19 September 2022

Working with Float data in TOML

TOML has good support to represent real numbers.



a = 1.23
b = 0.0
c = -0.0
d = -1.234


TOML support exponential notation

You can write the float numbers in exponential notation also.




a = 123e-2
b = 12.3e-1

c = 123e2
d = 12.3e3


Above snippet is equivalent to following json.

  "a": 1.23,
  "b": 1.23,
  "c": 12300,
  "d": 12300


Use _ to enhance readability

You can use _ to enhance the readability of a number.

pi = 3.14_15


Special values like Inifinity and NaN are supported

Special float values are always expressed in lower case.




# infinity
a = inf  # positive infinity
b = +inf # positive infinity
c = -inf # negative infinity

# not a number
d = nan  # encoding is implementation-specific
e = +nan # same as `nan`
f = -nan # actual encoding is implementation-specific

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