Monday 15 August 2022

PostgreSQL: How to get all available datatypes?

‘\dT *’ command print all the available data types available in PostgresSQL.

test=# \dT *
                                                 List of data types
   Schema   |             Name             |                               Description                               
 pg_catalog | "any"                        | pseudo-type representing any type
 pg_catalog | "char"                       | single character
 pg_catalog | aclitem                      | access control list
 pg_catalog | anyarray                     | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic array type
 pg_catalog | anycompatible                | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic common type
 pg_catalog | anycompatiblearray           | pseudo-type representing an array of polymorphic common type elements
 pg_catalog | anycompatiblemultirange      | pseudo-type representing a multirange over a polymorphic common type
 pg_catalog | anycompatiblenonarray        | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic common type that is not an array
 pg_catalog | anycompatiblerange           | pseudo-type representing a range over a polymorphic common type
 pg_catalog | anyelement                   | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type
 pg_catalog | anyenum                      | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type that is an enum
 pg_catalog | anymultirange                | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type that is a multirange
 pg_catalog | anynonarray                  | pseudo-type representing a polymorphic base type that is not an array
 pg_catalog | anyrange                     | pseudo-type representing a range over a polymorphic base type
 pg_catalog | bigint                       | ~18 digit integer, 8-byte storage
 pg_catalog | bit                          | fixed-length bit string
 pg_catalog | bit varying                  | variable-length bit string
 pg_catalog | boolean                      | boolean, 'true'/'false'
 pg_catalog | box                          | geometric box '(lower left,upper right)'
 pg_catalog | bytea                        | variable-length string, binary values escaped
 pg_catalog | character                    | char(length), blank-padded string, fixed storage length
 pg_catalog | character varying            | varchar(length), non-blank-padded string, variable storage length
 pg_catalog | cid                          | command identifier type, sequence in transaction id
 pg_catalog | cidr                         | network IP address/netmask, network address
 pg_catalog | circle                       | geometric circle '(center,radius)'
 pg_catalog | cstring                      | C-style string
 pg_catalog | date                         | date
 pg_catalog | datemultirange               | multirange of dates
 pg_catalog | daterange                    | range of dates
 pg_catalog | double precision             | double-precision floating point number, 8-byte storage
 pg_catalog | event_trigger                | pseudo-type for the result of an event trigger function
 pg_catalog | fdw_handler                  | pseudo-type for the result of an FDW handler function
 pg_catalog | gtsvector                    | GiST index internal text representation for text search
 pg_catalog | index_am_handler             | pseudo-type for the result of an index AM handler function
 pg_catalog | inet                         | IP address/netmask, host address, netmask optional
 pg_catalog | int2vector                   | array of int2, used in system tables
 pg_catalog | int4multirange               | multirange of integers
 pg_catalog | int4range                    | range of integers
 pg_catalog | int8multirange               | multirange of bigints
 pg_catalog | int8range                    | range of bigints
 pg_catalog | integer                      | -2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage
 pg_catalog | internal                     | pseudo-type representing an internal data structure
 pg_catalog | interval                     | @ <number> <units>, time interval
 pg_catalog | json                         | JSON stored as text
 pg_catalog | jsonb                        | Binary JSON
 pg_catalog | jsonpath                     | JSON path
 pg_catalog | language_handler             | pseudo-type for the result of a language handler function
 pg_catalog | line                         | geometric line
 pg_catalog | lseg                         | geometric line segment '(pt1,pt2)'
 pg_catalog | macaddr                      | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address
 pg_catalog | macaddr8                     | XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, MAC address
 pg_catalog | money                        | monetary amounts, $d,
 pg_catalog | name                         | 63-byte type for storing system identifiers
 pg_catalog | numeric                      | numeric(precision, decimal), arbitrary precision number
 pg_catalog | nummultirange                | multirange of numerics
 pg_catalog | numrange                     | range of numerics
 pg_catalog | oid                          | object identifier(oid), maximum 4 billion
 pg_catalog | oidvector                    | array of oids, used in system tables
 pg_catalog | path                         | geometric path '(pt1,...)'
 pg_catalog | pg_brin_bloom_summary        | BRIN bloom summary
 pg_catalog | pg_brin_minmax_multi_summary | BRIN minmax-multi summary
 pg_catalog | pg_ddl_command               | internal type for passing CollectedCommand
 pg_catalog | pg_dependencies              | multivariate dependencies
 pg_catalog | pg_lsn                       | PostgreSQL LSN datatype
 pg_catalog | pg_mcv_list                  | multivariate MCV list
 pg_catalog | pg_ndistinct                 | multivariate ndistinct coefficients
 pg_catalog | pg_node_tree                 | string representing an internal node tree
 pg_catalog | pg_snapshot                  | snapshot
 pg_catalog | point                        | geometric point '(x, y)'
 pg_catalog | polygon                      | geometric polygon '(pt1,...)'
 pg_catalog | real                         | single-precision floating point number, 4-byte storage
 pg_catalog | record                       | pseudo-type representing any composite type
 pg_catalog | refcursor                    | reference to cursor (portal name)
 pg_catalog | regclass                     | registered class
 pg_catalog | regcollation                 | registered collation
 pg_catalog | regconfig                    | registered text search configuration
 pg_catalog | regdictionary                | registered text search dictionary
 pg_catalog | regnamespace                 | registered namespace
 pg_catalog | regoper                      | registered operator
 pg_catalog | regoperator                  | registered operator (with args)
 pg_catalog | regproc                      | registered procedure
 pg_catalog | regprocedure                 | registered procedure (with args)
 pg_catalog | regrole                      | registered role
 pg_catalog | regtype                      | registered type
 pg_catalog | smallint                     | -32 thousand to 32 thousand, 2-byte storage
 pg_catalog | table_am_handler             | 
 pg_catalog | text                         | variable-length string, no limit specified
 pg_catalog | tid                          | (block, offset), physical location of tuple
 pg_catalog | time with time zone          | time of day with time zone
 pg_catalog | time without time zone       | time of day
 pg_catalog | timestamp with time zone     | date and time with time zone
 pg_catalog | timestamp without time zone  | date and time
 pg_catalog | trigger                      | pseudo-type for the result of a trigger function
 pg_catalog | tsm_handler                  | pseudo-type for the result of a tablesample method function
 pg_catalog | tsmultirange                 | multirange of timestamps without time zone
 pg_catalog | tsquery                      | query representation for text search
 pg_catalog | tsrange                      | range of timestamps without time zone
 pg_catalog | tstzmultirange               | multirange of timestamps with time zone
 pg_catalog | tstzrange                    | range of timestamps with time zone
 pg_catalog | tsvector                     | text representation for text search
 pg_catalog | txid_snapshot                | txid snapshot
 pg_catalog | unknown                      | pseudo-type representing an undetermined type
 pg_catalog | uuid                         | UUID datatype
 pg_catalog | void                         | pseudo-type for the result of a function with no real result
 pg_catalog | xid                          | transaction id
 pg_catalog | xid8                         | full transaction id
 pg_catalog | xml                          | XML content
(107 rows)




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