Saturday 23 October 2021

airflow: Get help of airflow commands

‘airflow -h’ command prints help about all the airflow commands.

$airflow -h
usage: airflow [-h]

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    backfill            Run subsections of a DAG for a specified date range. If reset_dag_run option is used, backfill will first prompt users whether airflow should
                        clear all the previous dag_run and task_instances within the backfill date range. If rerun_failed_tasks is used, backfill will auto re-run
                        the previous failed task instances within the backfill date range.
    list_dag_runs       List dag runs given a DAG id. If state option is given, it will onlysearch for all the dagruns with the given state. If no_backfill option is
                        given, it will filter outall backfill dagruns for given dag id.
    list_tasks          List the tasks within a DAG
    clear               Clear a set of task instance, as if they never ran
    pause               Pause a DAG
    unpause             Resume a paused DAG
    trigger_dag         Trigger a DAG run
    delete_dag          Delete all DB records related to the specified DAG
    show_dag            Displays DAG's tasks with their dependencies
    pool                CRUD operations on pools
    variables           CRUD operations on variables
    kerberos            Start a kerberos ticket renewer
    render              Render a task instance's template(s)
    run                 Run a single task instance
    initdb              Initialize the metadata database
    list_dags           List all the DAGs
    dag_state           Get the status of a dag run
    task_failed_deps    Returns the unmet dependencies for a task instance from the perspective of the scheduler. In other words, why a task instance doesn't get
                        scheduled and then queued by the scheduler, and then run by an executor).
    task_state          Get the status of a task instance
    serve_logs          Serve logs generate by worker
    test                Test a task instance. This will run a task without checking for dependencies or recording its state in the database.
    webserver           Start a Airflow webserver instance
    resetdb             Burn down and rebuild the metadata database
    upgradedb           Upgrade the metadata database to latest version
    checkdb             Check if the database can be reached.
    shell               Runs a shell to access the database
    scheduler           Start a scheduler instance
    worker              Start a Celery worker node
    flower              Start a Celery Flower
    version             Show the version
    connections         List/Add/Delete connections
    create_user         Create an account for the Web UI (FAB-based)
    delete_user         Delete an account for the Web UI
    list_users          List accounts for the Web UI
    sync_perm           Update permissions for existing roles and DAGs.
    next_execution      Get the next execution datetime of a DAG.
    rotate_fernet_key   Rotate all encrypted connection credentials and variables; see
    config              Show current application configuration
    info                Show information about current Airflow and environment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit




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