Tuesday 21 September 2021

Python: format strings using format method

Approach 1: Using curly braces

str1 = 'Hi, I am {} and {} years old. I am from {}'.format('Krishna', 31, 'India')


Approach 2: Using positional arguments

str2 = 'Hi, I am {1} and {0} years old. I am from {2}'.format( 31, 'Krishna', 'India')


Approach 3: Using custom symbols

str3 = 'Hi, I am {name} and {age} years old. I am from {country}'.format( age=31, name='Krishna', country='India')


Find the below working application.



str1 = 'Hi, I am {} and {} years old. I am from {}'.format('Krishna', 31, 'India')
str2 = 'Hi, I am {1} and {0} years old. I am from {2}'.format( 31, 'Krishna', 'India')
str3 = 'Hi, I am {name} and {age} years old. I am from {country}'.format( age=31, name='Krishna', country='India')




Hi, I am Krishna and 31 years old. I am from India
Hi, I am Krishna and 31 years old. I am from India
Hi, I am Krishna and 31 years old. I am from India





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