Wednesday, 21 July 2021

javapoet tutorial

Javapoet is a library to generate .java source files.


Where can I use source generation?

a.   It is helpful while interacting with metadata files like database schemas, xsd, json schema etc.,

b.   Helpful while doing annotation processing.


Dependencies used



You can download all the applications of this tutorial from below github link.

      hello world application
      Add code to a method
      Add statements to the method
      Add control flow statements
      Generate method definitions with some configurations
      Generate if-else if ladder
      $T to refer types
      Define collections
      static imports
      $N: Refer another generated declaration by name
      Generate try-catch block
      $L: Emit a literal value in the output
      $s: emit a string
      Working with CodeBlock
      CodeBlock: Relative arguments
      CodeBlock: Positional Arguments
      CodeBlock: Named arguments
      Define an abstract class
      CodeBlock: Named arguments
      Define an abstract class
      Define a constructor
      add fields to the class
      Define parameters using ParameterSpec
      Add parameters using addParameter method
      Add generic parameters to a constructor
      Add generic parameters to a method
      Define interface
      Define enums
      Define fields to an enum constant
      enum: override super class methods of enum value
      Define Anonymous inner classes
      Add an annotation
      Set properties on annotations
      Add java documentation
      Define inner class
      Define nested class
      Add a field of type inner class
      Add static block
      Add initiaizer block
      Add a super class
      Add generic super class
      Add generic type to a class
      Add generic super class
      Add generic type to a class
      Define wildcard method parameters
      implement an interface



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