Sunday 18 October 2020

Vault Storage Backends

‘Storage Backends’ specify the location where Vault persist the data. Storage backends are configured using storage stanza in configuration file.


Example 1: Cassandra as storage backed,

storage "cassandra" {
  hosts            = "localhost"
  consistency      = "LOCAL_QUORUM"
  protocol_version = 3


Example 2: In memory as storage backend

storage "inmem" {}


Example 3: file as storage backend

storage "file" {
  path = "/mnt/vault/data"


For example, above configuration file define backend as inmem. So all the data stored in memory.


Right now Vault supports following storage backends.

a.   Azure

b.   Cassandra

c.    CockroachDB

d.   Consul

e.   CouchDB

f.     DynamoDB

g.   Etcd

h.   Filesystem

i.     FoundationDB

j.     Google Cloud Spanner

k.    Google Cloud Storage

l.     In-Memory

m. Manta

n.   MSSQL

o.   MySQL

p.   OCI Object Storage

q.   PostgreSQL

r.     Raft

s.    S3

t.     Swift

u.   Zookeeper


HashiCorp officially support following storage backends.

a.   Consul

b.   FileSystem

c.    In-memory

d.   Raft


Remaining all storage backends are community driven.


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