Very Basic view of Kubernetes Architecture
In simple terms, Kubernetes system has a master node and cluster of worker nodes. Developer writes application definition (or) application descriptor file, which has information about containers, images, replicas, deployment strategies etc., and submit this file to the master node. Master node process this descriptor file and deploy the application on these cluster of worker nodes.
Master Node
Master Node is responsible for managing the entire Kubernetes System.
Worker Nodes
These are the nodes, where the application deploys.
Different components of Master Node
Kubernetes Master node owns ‘Kubernetes Control Plane’ which is responsible for controlling and managing of entire Kubernetes system.
Control Plane consists of the below components.
a. API Server (Kube-apiserver)
b. etcd
c. kube-scheduler
d. kube controller manager
e. Cloud Controller Manager
Control Plane components can run on a single machine or can run on a cluster to achieve high availability. Control pane components talk to API Server and do not talk to each other directly.
API Server
It exposes the Kubernetes API and designed to scale horizontally. Using API server, you can configure data for API objects like Pods, Replication Sets, Deployments, Jobs, etc.,
It is a distributed key-value storage used by Kubernetes to persist the data. You can go through the below link to know more information about etcd.
It watches for new Pod requests and selects a node for them to run on. It considers multiple factors (individual and collective resource requirements, hardware/software/policy constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications, data locality, inter-workload interference, and deadlines) for scheduling decisions.
This component is responsible to run Controller processes.
Following are the controller processes.
a. Node Controller: Notice and respond when a node goes down
b. Replication Controller: Responsible to maintain the desired number of Pods for every Replication controller object.
c. Endpoints Controller: Populate Endpoint object (endpoint object joins services and Pods)
d. Service Account and Token Controller: Create a default service account and API access tokens for namespaces.
Cloud Controller Manager
This component embeds cloud-specific control logic. It is used to link Kubernetes cluster into a specific Cloud Provider’s API.
Following controllers have Cloud Provider dependencies.
a. Node controller: For checking the cloud provider to determine if a node has been deleted in the cloud after it stops responding
b. Route controller: For setting up routes in the underlying cloud infrastructure
c. Service controller: For creating, updating and deleting cloud provider load balancers
How to check the status of Control Pane Components?
'kubectl get componentstatuses' command is used to get the status of Control Pane Components.
$kubectl get componentstatuses
scheduler Healthy ok
controller-manager Healthy ok
etcd-0 Healthy {"health":"true"}
Different Components of Worker Node
Worker Node has three components.
a. kubelet
b. kube-proxy
c. Container Runtime
These components run on every worker node.
Kubelet is an agent that runs on every worker node in the cluster. It talks and API Server and makes sure that containers running on a Pod.
It is a network proxy that runs on every worker node in the cluster and load balance the network traffic between application components. It maintains network rules on the nodes, which allow network communication to your Pods from network sessions inside or outside of your cluster.
Container Runtime
It is responsible for running containers. It can be Docker, rkt, or any other container runtime.
Complete architecture looks like below.
How the process flow happen?
a. Create an Application Description file and submit it to Api Server. This description file contains information about images, number of replicas, deployment strategy, volume mounts, secrets, how to expose these applications etc.,
b. Once the Api Server receives this description file, ‘Kube Scheduler’ look into these new Pod requests and select a node for them to run on.
c. ‘kubelet’ agent on the worker node gives an instruction to ‘Container Runtime’ to pull the image and start the containers.
d. When a user request for container logs, API server receives the request and send the request to kubelet which will get the logs.
a. Will a master node run Pods?
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