Sunday 7 July 2019

Maven Tutorial

      Introduction to Maven
      Install and setting up maven
            How to find the maven installed location in my system?
      Introduction to POM file
            Create new project
            Super POM file
            Effective POM
            Specifying project versions in pom.xml file
            Refer a property in pom.xml
            Implicit variables in pom.xml file
            Access java system properties in pom.xml file
            Custom properties in pom.xml file
      Dependency Management
            Dependency Scopes
            Specify dependency version ranges
            Exclude a transitive dependency
            dependencyManagement element
            Project Inheritance
            print tree representation of maven dependencies
            Grouping dependencies
            Clear the artifacts from local repository
            Download sources of all dependencies
            What is maven snapshot dependency?
      Maven build lifecycle
            Build Profiles
            Build profile example
            Profile Activation
            Display all active profiles
      activeByDefault element
      Pass activation properties in command line
      Maven Repositories
            Quick guide to maven local repository
            Maven plugins explained
      copy dependencies into target/lib
      Make the maven output less verbose
      'mvn clean install' vs 'mvn clean package'
      Create new maven project in Eclipse
       mvn clean: clean all the build artefacts
      How to include dependencies in the pom.xml file
      What are the maven coordinates?
      exploring maven plugins
            quick guide to Maven Wrapper plugin
            Find the goals of a maven plugin
            How to create custom maven plugin?
             Create a fat jar using maven assembly plugin
      Maven Archetypes
      Difference between dependencyManagement and dependencies in maven
      Quick guide to maven BOM
      Maven: dependency mediation
      How to execute tests in a maven project?

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