Sunday, 21 July 2019

Introduction to Mockito and PowerMock

PowerMock is an open source testing framework to unit test Java applications. It is released under the Apache License. Whereas PowerMock is an open source mocking library that extends mocking frameworks like EasyMock, Mockito.

PowerMock provides two extension APIS.
         a. For EasyMock
         b. For Mockito

To use PowerMock,
         a. we require either EasyMock (or) Mockito
         b. Test frameworks like JUnit, TestNG
Currently PowerMock supports JUnit and TestNG. I am going to use PowerMock, Mockito and Junit combination for this tutorial series. Most of the mocking frameworks in Java can't mock private, static and final methods. By using PowerMock, we can extend the frameworks like Mockito and can able to mock private static methods.

I am going to use below maven dependencies.
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If you would like to learn EasyMock and PowerMock tutorial series, you can go through my previous tutorial series.

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