Sunday 19 May 2019

Docker Container tutorial for beginners

Docker is a container platform, using this you can securely build, share and run any application, anywhere

In this series, you are going to learn.

      What are Containers?
      What is Docker?
      Installing Docker in MAC
      How to get help of docker command line tool?
      Docker : How to get the help to a specific command
      Docker: Get version of docker server engine
      HelloWorld Application
      Docker busybox: Hello World Application
      Docker: Python: Hello World
      Docker : Run Python Interpreter
      Docker: Nginx container: hello world
      Docker: container vs image
      Docker: Container life cycle
      Docker for Java Developers
      Java: hello World
      Mapping port of host system to port of container application
      Open bash shell of docker container
      How to see the logs of container?
      docker exec: Connect to the container
      Docker Exec: Execute a command on a running container
      Deploy a war file to the container
      Create an image
      Create Java docker hello world image
      Execute the command while running a container
      Docker: -it: Connect to container stdin while running
      How to copy artefacts to docker image
      Run jar file from the docker image
      ENV statement: Set environment variables
      Working with tags
      Create an image that refers to other image
      Get the docker version
      docker info : Get information about the docker application installed in your system
      docker --help : Get help of all the commands
      Docker help: Hide legacy commands
      How to get help of a docker command?
      docker container ls: List all the running containers
      Docker: Get all the containers
      Docker: Get only the container ids
      docker container stop: Stop the container
      docker kill vs docker stop
      docker restart: Restart the container
      docker container rm: Remove the container
      docker container rm -f: Stop and remove the container
      Docker: Remove all the stopped containers
      How to delete a docker image?
      docker: create, start: Create and start the container
      Docker: Run new container
      Docker : Run the container in detached mode
      Docker: Assign a name to your container
      Docker: Getting into the container
      Get all the images in your system
      Docker: Get only image ids
      docker ps : See running and stopped containers
      Docker pull: Pull an image from docker hub
      Docker: Run docker container
      Monitoring docker using docker cli
      Docker events: Get real time events from the server
      Attach and detach
      Docker: Volume Mapping (Mount)
      Docker: inspect: Get more details about container
      Docker: Python: Flask: Build an image using Docker file
      docker push: push the image
      Docker: build an image with numpy library
      Docker: Pass Environment variables
      Docker: CMD: Provide default command
      Docker: ENTRYPOINT
      Docker Registry
      Docker: Spring boot: Hello World
      Working with Docker compose
      Docker: Run the bash shell in interactive mode
      Docker: Run MySQL in a container
      Docker Network: Communicate between containers
      Docker Network: example 2: Connecting to sql server

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