Wednesday 23 January 2019

Groovy: List: findIndexOf: Find index of first element that matches to given criteria

Groovy provides findINdexOf method that return the index of first element that matches to given criteria.
public int findIndexOf(Closure condition)
Iterates over the elements of an Iterable and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure, if no element matches, it return -1.

public int findIndexOf(int startIndex, Closure condition)
Iterates over the elements of an Iterable, starting from a specified startIndex, and returns the index of the first item that satisfies the condition specified by the closure, if no element matches, it return -1.


numbers = [2, 5, 8, 1, 32, 49, 65, 43, 70, 21, 42]

def index1 = numbers.findIndexOf{ it % 7 == 0}
def index2 = numbers.findIndexOf{ it % 11 == 0}

println "Element index that divisible by 7 $index1"
println "Element index that divisible by 11 $index2"

Element index that divisible by 7 5
Element index that divisible by 11 -1

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