Saturday 22 December 2018

Explain about prototype inheritance in JavaScript

What is Inheritance?
Inheritance is a feature, where one object can able to access the properties and methods defined in another object.

Inheritance in JavaScript is based on the object prototype.

What is a prototype?
Every function (or) object in JavaScript has a prototype property associated with it. You can add methods, properties to this prototype.

For example, I defined a constructor function Employee like below.

function Employee(firstName, lastName){
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;

As you see the definition of Employee function, it takes two arguments firstName, lastName and initialize them.

What if you want to add properties, methods to the constructor function Employee, those are common to all the employees?
You can do this by using the prototype property of the function.

For example, the property organization property is common to all the employee objects.
Employee.prototype.organization = "ABC Corporation";

Employee.prototype.toString = function(){
  return this.firstName + "," + this.lastName + "," + this.organization;

As you see above snippet, I added a property ‘organization’, toString method to the Employee function.

function Employee(firstName, lastName){
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.lastName = lastName;

Employee.prototype.organization = "ABC Corporation";

Employee.prototype.toString = function(){
  return this.firstName + "," + this.lastName + "," + this.organization;

var emp1 = new Employee("Krishna", "Majety");


Krishna,Majety,ABC Corporation

var emp1 = new Employee("Krishna", "Majety");
When I define an object emp1 from Employee constructor function, emp1 inherits the properties, methods from the Employee prototype.

Prototype Chain
Whenever you are trying to access a property of an object, the process is like below.
a.   If the property found in the object itself, then the property is returned.
b.   If the property not found in the object, then property is checked in the prototype of the class (or) constructor function. If the property found, then it is returned.
c.   If the property is not found in step b, then it is checked in parent prototype. If it is found, then returned, else checks in the parent prototypes until property found or until we reach Object prototype.

Let me explain with an example.

function Employee() { = '';
  this.dept = 'Sales and Promotion';

Employee.prototype.organization = "ABC Corporation";

function Manager(){;
  this.reportees = [];

Manager.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype);
Manager.prototype.constructor = Manager;

var obj = new Manager(); = "krishna";
obj.reportees = [123, 654];


function printManagerInfo(manager){
  console.log("name : " +;
  console.log("Department : " + manager.dept);
  console.log("organization : " + manager.organization);

name : krishna
Department : Sales and Promotion
organization : ABC Corporation

As you see above snippet, I attached organization to as a prototype property to Employee constructor function, Since, Manager prototype is created from Employee prototype, Manager objects can able to access the property organization.

Inherit from an object
In JavaScript, you can inherit from another object.

var bar = Object.create(foo);

In the above statement bar object inherit the properties from foo object.

Find the below working application.

var foo = {
  a : 1,
  b : 100,
  printAB : function(){
    console.log("a : " + this.a + ", b : " + this.b);

var bar = Object.create(foo);
bar.a = 101;

console.log("bar values");

console.log("foo values");

bar values
a : 101, b : 100
foo values
a : 1, b : 100

‘Object.create()’ method creates a new object, using an existing object as the prototype of the newly created object.

var foo =  {
  a : 10

var bar = Object.create(foo);

function printInfo(){
  console.log("foo.a " + foo.a);
  console.log("bar.a " + bar.a);
  console.log("bar.__proto__.a " + bar.__proto__.a);


console.log("\nSetting bar.a to 100");
bar.a = 100;  // it creates the variable a in the bar object itself


console.log("\nSetting bar.__proto__.a  to 123");
bar.__proto__.a = 123;

foo.a 10
bar.a 10
bar.__proto__.a 10

Setting bar.a to 100
foo.a 10
bar.a 100
bar.__proto__.a 10

Setting bar.__proto__.a  to 123
foo.a 123
bar.a 100
bar.__proto__.a 123

Own property vs prototype property
Every object in Javascript has two properties.
a.   Own property
b.   Prototype property: This is the property accessible from prototype chain

JavaScript provides ‘hasOwnProperty’ method, it returns true, if the property is owned by the object itself. It returns false for the prototype properties.

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