Saturday 5 May 2018

Gherkin: Add multiple tables to scenario outline

To improve readability, you can group the examples of scenario outline.
Feature: Bal game
 Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box
  Given A box of <noOfBalls>
  When I taken <noOfBallsTaken> balls out of the box
  Then <remainingBalls> balls remaining in the box

  Examples: Positive Scenario
   | noOfBalls | noOfBallsTaken | remainingBalls |
   |   100     |     10         |    90          |
   |   200     |     20         |    180         |
   |   100     |     30         |    70          |
  Examples: Negative Scenario, user tries to take more balls than total number of balls,
            then it should give all the balls in the box and remainingballs should be 0.
   | noOfBalls | noOfBallsTaken | remainingBalls |
   |   100     |     101        |    0           |
   |   200     |     300        |    0           |
   |   100     |     500        |    0           | 

As you observe the feature file, all the positive scenarios and negative scenarios are grouped separately.
package com.sample.util;

public class BoxUtil {

 public static int getRemainingBalls(int noOfBalls, int noOfBallsTaken) {
  if (noOfBalls < noOfBallsTaken) {
   return 0;
  return noOfBalls - noOfBallsTaken;
package com.sample.test;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import com.sample.util.BoxUtil;


public class BallGameTest {
 int totalNoOfBalls;
 int ballsTaken;
 @Given("^A box of (\\d+)$")
 public void a_box_of(int arg1) throws Exception {
  this.totalNoOfBalls = arg1;

 @When("^I taken (\\d+) balls out of the box$")
 public void i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int arg1) throws Exception {
  this.ballsTaken = arg1;

 @Then("^(\\d+) balls remaining in the box$")
 public void balls_remaining_in_the_box(int arg1) throws Exception {
  assertEquals(arg1, BoxUtil.getRemainingBalls(totalNoOfBalls, ballsTaken));

package com.sample.main;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

@CucumberOptions(monochrome = true, features = "src/test/java/com/sample/features", glue = "com.sample.test", plugin = {
  "pretty" })
public class TestRun {


When I ran above application, I seen below message in console.
Feature: Bal game

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:3
    Given A box of <noOfBalls>
    When I taken <noOfBallsTaken> balls out of the box
    Then <remainingBalls> balls remaining in the box

    Examples: Positive Scenario

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:11
    Given A box of 100                        # BallGameTest.a_box_of(int)
    When I taken 10 balls out of the box      # BallGameTest.i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int)
    Then 90 balls remaining in the box        # BallGameTest.balls_remaining_in_the_box(int)

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:12
    Given A box of 200                        # BallGameTest.a_box_of(int)
    When I taken 20 balls out of the box      # BallGameTest.i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int)
    Then 180 balls remaining in the box       # BallGameTest.balls_remaining_in_the_box(int)

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:13
    Given A box of 100                        # BallGameTest.a_box_of(int)
    When I taken 30 balls out of the box      # BallGameTest.i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int)
    Then 70 balls remaining in the box        # BallGameTest.balls_remaining_in_the_box(int)

    Examples: Negative Scenario, user tries to take more balls than total number of balls,
            then it should give all the balls in the box and remainingballs should be 0.

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:18
    Given A box of 100                        # BallGameTest.a_box_of(int)
    When I taken 101 balls out of the box     # BallGameTest.i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int)
    Then 0 balls remaining in the box         # BallGameTest.balls_remaining_in_the_box(int)

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:19
    Given A box of 200                        # BallGameTest.a_box_of(int)
    When I taken 300 balls out of the box     # BallGameTest.i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int)
    Then 0 balls remaining in the box         # BallGameTest.balls_remaining_in_the_box(int)

  Scenario Outline: Remove balls from the box # src/test/java/com/sample/features/BallGame.feature:20
    Given A box of 100                        # BallGameTest.a_box_of(int)
    When I taken 500 balls out of the box     # BallGameTest.i_taken_balls_out_of_the_box(int)
    Then 0 balls remaining in the box         # BallGameTest.balls_remaining_in_the_box(int)

6 Scenarios (6 passed)
18 Steps (18 passed)

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