Saturday 3 September 2016

itext tutorial

Introduction To Itext

      Introduction to itext
      Hello World Application
      Specifying page size
      Specifying margins to page

Chunk Object

      Working with Chunk object
      Specify superscript and subscripts
      Add background color to chunk

Phrase & Paragraph objects

      Phrase object
      Paragraph object
      Adding chunks, phrases to a paragraph
      Set alignment to paragraph
      Changing the indentation
      Set space between two paragraphs

List Object

      Working with List object
      Changing list symbol
      Set indentation of list item
      Set prepend and append data to symbol of list items
      Set the list symbol
      Set the first number in the ordered list

Anchor, Chapter

      Anchor object: Specify hyper links
      Chapter and Section Object

Working with Images

      Image object
      Rotating image

Working with tables

      Working with tables
      Create table with no border
      Set background color to table
      Adding background image to a cell in table
      Add hyper links to table
      Add list of images to same cell in table
      Align text in table
      Set border colors to a table
      change cell sizes in table
      Working with colspan and rowspan
      set headers to table
      Writing big tables
      Nested tables
      Write selected rows from table to a document
      Underline and strike-through in a cell

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