Sunday, 20 December 2015

Python: threading: Timer objects

By using Timer object, you can trigger (or) run a method after a certain amount of time has passed. Timer is a sub class of Thread class, so you need to call the start method to start Timer.

How to define a Timer
By using threading.Timer class, you can define a Timer.

threading.Timer(interval, function, args=None, kwargs=None)
interval: Interval represents the time in seconds
function: Method to be called after amount of time has passed
args: Represent arguments of method
kwargs: Represents keyword arguments

Can I cancel the Timer?
Yes, by using cancel() method, you can stop the timer, and cancel the execution of the timer’s action. This will only work if the timer is still in its waiting stage.
import threading

def hello():
def adieu():
 print("Good Bye")
timer1 = threading.Timer(10.0, hello)
timer2 = threading.Timer(20.0, adieu)


$ python3 
Good Bye

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