In previous
post, I explained how match_phrase query works. “match_phrase” query match
documents, if it founds the query string in same order. But there are
situations; you want to match documents even if there is some distance between
For Example
You want to
match the document, for the string “professor
travelled india” in description field of documents.
As you
observe document1 contains data like “A professor
of philosophy, he travelled
throughout India during the 1960s as
a public speaker ……………..”
The terms of
query phrase “professor travelled india” appeared in same order in document1,
but in between some more terms exist. In these cases, simple “match_phrase”
query returns no documents. You can use “slop” parameter to solve these kinds
of scenarios.
GET /books/philosophy/_search { "query": { "match_phrase": { "description" :{ "query": "professor travelled india", "slop" : 4 } } } }
{ "took": 1, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 5, "successful": 5, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 1, "max_score": 0.06432597, "hits": [ { "_index": "books", "_type": "philosophy", "_id": "1", "_score": 0.06432597, "_source": { "title": "Autobiography of Osho", "description": "A professor of philosophy, he travelled throughout India during the 1960s as a public speaker. His outspoken criticism of politicians and the political mind, Mahatma Gandhi and institutionalised religion made him controversial." } } ] } }
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