Saturday 8 August 2015

Radius Access-Request packet

Radius client send Access-Request packet to radius server. Access-Request packet looks like following.
Code field
Code filed must has value 1 for Access-Request packet.

Identifier field
Identifier field of size 8 bits, used in matching requests and replies. The RADIUS server can detect a duplicate request if it has the same client source IP address and source UDP port and Identifier within a short span of time.

For retransmissions, the Identifier MUST remains unchanged.  The Identifier field MUST be changed whenever the content of the Attributes field changes, and whenever a valid reply has been received for a previous request.

Request Authenticator
It is a 16 octet random number in Access-Request Packets. It is used in the password-hiding algorithm. The Request Authenticator value MUST be changed each time a new Identifier is used.

Attributes field
This field length is not fixed, it can vary. Following are the attributes, that Access-Request contains.

Specifies the name of the user to be authenticated.
Specifies IP address of radius client. Either NAS-IP-Address or NAS-Identifier MUST be present in an Access-Request packet.
This Attribute contains a string identifying the radius client originating the Access-Request. Either NAS-IP-Address or NAS-Identifier MUST be present in an Access-Request packet.
Attribute specifies the password of the user to be authenticated (or) the user's input following an Access-Challenge. An Access-Request MUST contain either a User-Password or a CHAP- Password or a State.
This Attribute indicates the response value provided by a PPP Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) user in response to the challenge. An Access-Request MUST contain either a User-Password or a CHAP- Password or a State.
A packet must have only zero or one State Attribute. This Attribute is available to be sent by the server to the client in an Access-Challenge and MUST be sent unmodified from the client to the server in the new Access-Request reply to that challenge,if any.

An Access-Request MUST contain either a User-Password or a CHAP- Password or a State.
Specifies physical port number of the radius client, which is authenticating the user.
This Attribute indicates the type of the physical port of the radius client, which is authenticating the user.

Go through following link for more details.

Additional attributes
An Access-Request MAY contain additional attributes as a hint to the server, but the server is not required to honor the hint.

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