Saturday, 8 August 2015

JMeter Test plan window

By using test plan window, you can
a.   Add comments to this test plan
b.   Add additional jar files required to run test plan
c.    Add User defined variables to test plan.

Test plan window looks like this.

1.a User Defined variables
User defined variables section is used to define variables. Usualy you can define global variables that are needed by your tests. For example you can define serverName, port etc., You can access serverName as ${serverName} and port as ${port} from any where in test plan.

For example I added serverName, and port in User defined variable section.

1.b There are 3 options provided by JMeter Testplan window.

1.b.1 Run Thread Groups consecutively
 If you configure more than one thread group, it run thread groups one at a time (serially). If there are more than one thread group configured for a test plan, each thread group executes independently from each other.

1.b.2 Run tear down thread groups after shut down of main threads

1.b.3 Functional Test Mode
It saves response and sampler data to a file that you have selected in listener. Since it writes data to file, it may impact JMeter performance.

1.c Add directory or Jar to class path
You can add jar files by using this option. Alternatively, you can add jar files to JMeter lib directory.

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